The Birthday Killer | Teen Ink

The Birthday Killer

May 18, 2015
By Starterofeverything BRONZE, Oxford, Alabama, Alabama
Starterofeverything BRONZE, Oxford, Alabama, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Blake his suspected of the killing but it turns out to be someone you never you would have expected.

Chapter 1: The Killing

It was April 27, 1994. I am Detective Jones based in Oxford, Alabama. I was going to my son’s birthday party. I was running late then once I got there I heard gunshots. I knew there was a murder. I passed the party then ran in. I looked at the body, and realized it was my wife. Lola Jones. I looked at the body 5 gunshots and 21 stab wounds. I was going to look for the killer.

Chapter 2: Who is it?

There were a few kids there was Logan Swope, Cole Hapach, Sonny Garmon and Cade Green.  There was only one adult who acted like a kid Blake Curry. We graduated high school in the same year. He was always jealous of Lola marrying me. So I questioned everyone Logan said, “ A man in GAP jacket wearing Kaki shorts and flip flops.” So I questioned everyone and they all said the exact same thing. Except for Blake he said “the boy wearing a bright yellow shirt with Kaki shorts and tennis shoes that have his name on them”. He identified Logan, but why would Logan do it he had no motive. The only person who would have a motive was Blake.

Chapter 3: The Evidence

I looked around for evidence hoping to find something.
I found a bloody chef knife and a Desert Eagle. I went to the Police Department and got a scan. There were no fingerprints.
So then I remembered I saw a glove on Blake’s hand. I thought this could be a breakthrough in the case. I tried to find his address. I went to his door and went in I heard a shower running I went in looked and saw blood dripping down from the shower. I waited then arrested him.

Chapter 4: Tracking down suspects

2 weeks later….
We went to the courtroom it was a short case but the verdict was,     
I wondered if he didn’t do it then who did but I didn’t question one man IAN MOYERS.
He had no reason to do that so why did he?
I was going to find out I found Ian then arrested him.
After a 1 month Case Ian was found…

If he didn’t do it then nobody else could have done it. I have asked everyone and there is not enough evidence to even prove whom the real murderer is. So I kept studying the case for 4 months until I found a breakthrough in the case. There was only one person out of all of them who was single.

Chapter 5: It was him all along

Logan Swope
But he wasn’t a teen or not even a teen but he had no motive.
He was only a preteen but why would he do this? He was only 12 and he wouldn’t like a 29-year-old woman? Who told him to do it? I ask myself these questions, over and over again 24/7. I couldn’t forget April 27, 1994 the day I lost my wife. Her murderer was never found until November 30, 1995. I had finally found out who the murderer it was…

        Logan Swope
He was proved…

Chapter 6: The Grave Robbery

So after a year and 4 months of trying to find out who the killer of my wife was I found out it was a 12-year-old boy. He had no motive to kill my wife but now he is in jail for life.
I never knew a kid would ever want to kill an innocent woman for no reason. I now just sit at home with my son who is now 12. The age of the kid who killed my wife.
After all I have been through I continued to be a detective. 10 years of Lola being dead I turned on the news and the news reporter was at her grave and said, “I found this grave and the body is gone. The body belongs to LOLA JONES.
I broke into tears. I was going to find this person.
I suspected the murderer of her Logan Swope but he was in jail for life he couldn’t get out. I questioned Blake, Sonny, Cole and Cade; they said, “I’m just as surprised as you. We all attended the funeral we all cared for your lost.” They did come to the funeral, but the one thing that shocked me was about Ian. Why did he leave the funeral early that day?

Chapter 7: Why did he leave?

9 years earlier…
I was waiting on everyone to arrive, Blake, Sonny, Cole, Cade and Ian. About 5 minutes later they all appeared. I sat in the front row with the others. When all of a sudden, Ian walks out gets in his car then leaves. I wondered why he left so early we didn’t even get to go up to the body. Something about this suspected me that Ian had done something. I then called him, and asked, “Why did you leave?” “I couldn’t handle watching you go into your emotions.” Ian said. I realized that everybody stayed while I left.

Chapter 8: The Stalker

9 years later…

I got a call from the police department and said Logan had escaped prison and killed my son on his birthday. I had lost all of my family by one person. I just couldn’t keep this kid in jail. How did he get out? I went in his house, I when I went in. Found plans to kill everyone I knew. Pictures of all my friends.

Chapter 9: He does everything.

They were being stalked! By the pictures he had dates, when to kill them and how to kill them and the time it will commence. First up was, Cade. He was going to get killed on his birthday; I noticed all of the dates I questioned everyone. I showed them the dates they all agreed that those were there birthdays. I told Cade not to go to Oxford Lake. I was there, I saw Cade. I called Cade I told him to leave he was going to get shot. I told him to get in his car. But he wouldn’t. He went straight to the ducks. Logan was sitting in a pavilion waiting for Cade to pass by. I noticed him, followed him all the way till he stopped turned around then noticed me. He said, “You’re too late Jones.” “ I said “Your under arrest for attempted homicide. He ran off. I ran as quickly as I could. After a 10 to 20 minute chase we stopped. Quickly ran into an alley. I acted like I didn’t see him. There was another opening on the other side, I walked then jumped on him. Returned him to the station. They said he would be in jail forever again and wouldn’t ever get out. He was going to be watched by every guard. We went to his trial for my son. I don’t know why Logan is just attacking my friends and loved ones. He is an escape artist; he gets out of everything but if he ever gets out of jail and comes after me, I will be prepared for anything. So after the loss of my son and wife, I am now making sure that everybody watches for this man.

The author's comments:

I had to write this for my english class.

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