Another late shift | Teen Ink

Another late shift

May 28, 2015
By therunningman BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
therunningman BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.-JFK

The dark starless sky opened up to the bright cold city. Johnson walked to his patrol car and gripping a half eaten jelly doughnut opened the door. The reflection from the streetlights fell onto the ice frozen pavement, the old brick houses adjacent from the street sat idly like tombstones in a cemetery. Johnson called his car in and began to drive away slowly, hesitating to leave the block, anticipating that something would happen. “Bang” The sound of a distant gunshot rang through the air. Johnson still sat in his patrol car, the heat turned slightly on. In this part of town a gunshot was the norm. Bang, bang, bang. Johnson looked up from his now devoured doughnut. He stopped his squad car, put it in park and opened the window a crack. The cold air rushed into the warm car and the windows began to fog up. Bang, bang, bang. Johnson grabbed his radio and called it in.

“I have a domestic disturbance at the corner of procter and heathway.”

A voice responded to Johnson

Ten4- all units be advised unit 5 is responding to a 415

Johnson closed the window, and drove towards the gunfire.

The author's comments:

I was going for more of a night time theme to this peice

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