The Comfort of Rain | Teen Ink

The Comfort of Rain

November 8, 2015
By CXwriter SILVER, West Windsor-Plainsboro, New Jersey
CXwriter SILVER, West Windsor-Plainsboro, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The rain dropped, heavily and persistent, in the same manner as all of the cherished elements of Laure’s life. She did not dislike this rain, since its rhythmic patterns provided a rare piece of calmness for her. The rain was a metronome for her dissonant heartbeat. This year had been difficult - she lost her student council elections, both of them, her friends began to think of her as monotonous, and she also suffered the tension of existence. Laure no longer lived in the soft, blurry world that she had without her glasses, but a sharp, rigid world that she saw through cursed lenses, the rare moments blurred by youthful joy left her forever. This showed through her eyes, I noticed it every day, spreading a thin film between us. Precise schedules and work agendas plagued Laure in the place of happiness. The coruscating drops of water blurred her vision yet again, distorting everything outside of the window, even through her glasses. Yes, Laure said aloud, I must return to this world. Wrapping her jacket around herself, she set out, ignoring the sudden cold. Only the fragrance of fresh rain captivates Laure, its pounding regulating her entire body and mind. Subconsciously, she listened to it… .The world seemed to take a different shape entirely. Admiring the simple beauty of rain, Laure’s tears mingled with it, adding her own contribution to calmness, to the world that she knew she could cope with. The synthetic edge of a power cord melted into the leaves of a tree, corrupt pieces of society thrusted into her flesh. Laure was incapable of removing them, like the frigid temperature, though she could pay them no heed. Slowly, she realized that, if she permitted, rain would always drop in her mind despite how sharp and scorching anything else could be. Tearing off her glasses, Laure shatters them behind her, dancing in the comfort of rain.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the rain outside of my window, and my frustration at my new glasses.

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