The Beach | Teen Ink

The Beach

November 30, 2015
By j_mag1441 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
j_mag1441 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

 Where are you? Oh, where are you? We haven’t spoke for awhile, but your darkness is finally fading from my life. I still hear your voice as clear as day. It makes me feel like I’m the one that caused our problems, maybe I actually did cause them? My own petty games have drifted away, leaving me in my own stark reality.
 It’s a dark beach, with no one around. The water is too cool and too dark to swim about in. I just pull at the black sand and watch it slip through my fingers. I remember it being warmer here, even without you. Although, you did make it brighter. But I know you’ve made it warmer waters now. Why stay at a dark, cold place? Yours was in the same shape when I first came around. Now with your own hypocrisy, you’ve left me to my own disaster.Even with my beach covered in shadows, the sun will be rising soon; I can feel the heat.
 I hope your warmer waters are nice without me; I’m recovering too. Maybe someday soon, the sun and the moon will begin to rise again, without them thinking of you.

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