persuasion | Teen Ink


December 15, 2015
By watchyousleep BRONZE, 11, Florida
watchyousleep BRONZE, 11, Florida
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I was sitting on my couch watching the news. It was live footage of a ship that was oozing a type of chemical that was very dangerous. You could hear them screaming to get out.The firemen finally were able to open the ship. That was a terrible mistake.The things I don’t know what they were,they all started to eat and disembowel people.Then they switched to the news and a story about a fire or something like nothing happened.Two days later they came to my city.I heard the commotion and saw them.They were searching every building jumping into windows not even pain can distract them they have one goal.To eat and change you into them.I will not become one of them.

  I'm putting as much food in the bathroom as possible.I chose the bathroom because there are no windows and I can wait for this whole thing to pass.I fill my bathtub with water so I can drink that.I look out the window one more time.Why.I meet eye with one of them and i'm on the third floor.I rush to the bathroom and lock the door.I have one of the standing tubs so I slide it up against the door.I hear them running through my house looking in every corner for me.then they stop at my bathroom door.All of a sudden I hear a slam up against the door.They know i'm in there,but they did the most terrifying thing worse than any zombie scream or growl.It.It spoke.

  “just come out” it said.    

   “You have to come out sometime”.

“It's better this way”.

“you're going to run out of food eventually”.

“It's not as bad as you think”.

    It's been four days they are repeating the same sentences over and over again.I slid a mirror under the door to see them.There's eight of them I could never fight them off.I feel hopeless.

Now it's been four weeks i'm out of water and running low on food.I'm slowly going insane for anyone that sees this message they do not give up they will kill you and make you one of them,but maybe they're right maybe.Maybe it won't be so bad after all.

The author's comments:

Maybe it wont be so bad after all

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