Blinded By Thorns | Teen Ink

Blinded By Thorns

December 16, 2015
By Aislinn16 BRONZE, Simpson, Pennsylvania
Aislinn16 BRONZE, Simpson, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, the King and Queen of Miredus gave birth to a son whom they named Prince Flynn. Throughout his childhood, the prince was quite adventurous and loved to explore new things. On his fifth birthday, the king and queen presented him with a horse around the same age as he was. The horse was as white as snow and very large for his age. Prince Flynn named him Duke, and the two became best friends. They did everything together, from picking apples to putting on puppet shows, they were inseparable. Having Duke as his companion as he grew up was great, yet Flynn had always wondered what it would be like to find true love.

Years passed, and it was time for Prince Flynn to start the search for his future wife. Flynn’s father was the most concerned with finding a bride for him. The king came up with an idea to host a huge party at their castle so the Prince could interact with a variety of women, yet Flynn was not so amused with this idea. He believed that when he does find his wife, it should be love at first sight. He had mentioned this to his father before, but he would not listen to him, thinking that Flynn did not know much about love.
The day of the party came and the king and queen were bustling around making sure that everything was perfect. It was to start at five o’clock which gave them just enough time to prepare. However, the prince was not excited about this party. He was dreading the women who would come and surround him trying to win him over just to be a part of his royal family. To Flynn, a woman who loved him for his character would be the ideal woman to marry. Flynn went to look for his father to see what he was up to. When he approached him, the king informed Flynn that he was to find a wife by the end of the month or else he was to leave the castle for good. Prince Flynn was so angry that he decided to take Duke and go for a ride in the forest where he could clear his head.
Duke and Flynn were riding through the forest for about an hour when they had heard a magnificent noise. Flynn guided his steed towards the noise and the closer they got the more clear it sounded. When they reached the source, they saw that it was coming from the top of a tall tower. The prince pondered for a moment and then jumped down from Duke, so he could get a closer more personal look at what he had been hearing. He cautiously walked over to the tower and stood there a moment. He heard the noise again, but the noise actually turned out to be a girl’s voice singing. Flynn wanted to find a way to climb up into the window to meet the girl with the sweet voice that had touched his heart. He looked for an entrance, but there was no sign of a door. He circled around the tower three times looking for possible ways to get up into the opening at the top but there was nothing. Eventually he gave up, hopped back onto Duke, and rode back to his castle.
Prince Flynn arrived home and immediately informed his father about the girl whose voice swept him off of his feet. He told him to call off the party because he was so touched by the sound of her voice that he had to marry her. The king was suspicious about the story his son had just told him so he said that if it is true, he will give Flynn three days to bring the girl to meet him or else he would find him a new bride. Flynn knows he needs to find a woman to marry by his twentieth birthday next month, or he will not be able to keep the title as prince. Flynn accepted his father’s proposition and decided he would set out in the morning and find a way to make it up to the top of the tower.
At the break of dawn, Flynn had packed a rope and other supplies onto the saddle of Duke and set off to the tower. Upon arrival, Flynn saw something unusual happen from behind the bushes in the forest. An Enchantress was standing at the bottom of the tower shouting “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair to me,” and a long braided rope of hair fell from the tower window for the Enchantress to climb up. Flynn decided to wait until the Enchantress left before he would try to climb up there.
About an hour went by and the Enchantress slowly climbed down and left. Flynn waited a few moments making sure she would not return. Then he ran over to the tower and repeated the Enchantress’s words “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair to me,” and the braided rope of hair fell to him, and he climbed up rather rapidly. He climbed through the window startling Rapunzel. He had never seen such a beautiful girl in his life. She was hesitant to speak or even move, but Flynn tried to use his charm to make her feel more comfortable. He stayed for a little and asked her many questions about herself and why she was being kept in a tower. At the end of his visit, Flynn was so madly in love with this girl that he asked her to be his wife. She hesitated for a moment and finally said yes. She suggested that Flynn bring a skein of silk every time he came so that she could weave a rope to get out of the tower. Flynn was filled with excitement and promised the girl that he would come visit her every night with a piece of silk. He hurried down to Duke and rode back home to tell his father.
The next day at dusk, Flynn arrived at the tower around the same time that he had promised. He hurried over to the tower and said the magical words, “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair to me,” and so the braided hair fell and he climbed up. Entering the room he felt uneasy because he discovered that the braided hair that he had climbed was not attached to anyone. He then noticed the infuriated Enchantress standing before him. The prince was told that he would never see Rapunzel again. He was so hurt by the thought of never seeing her again that he jumped out of the window and landed into a thorn bush, yet the pain of losing sweet Rapunzel was far worse that the pain of the thorns in his eyes, which had blinded him. Duke came to the rescue and scooped Flynn up out of the thorn bush and ran off.
Prince Flynn wept and wept and decided that he could not return home, for his father would be disappointed in him and make him marry someone who was not as worthy as Rapunzel. He decided to look for her by listening for her sweet voice that could lift his spirits. They walked far into the forest and over time, Flynn’s blindness gave him the ability to sense directions in which they were going. Every few hours they would stop to collect berries to eat and find water to drink.
One day, when they stopped to take a break, Flynn heard an extraordinary noise off in the distance. It sounded so familiar to him that he came to the realization that it was indeed Rapunzel’s alluring voice. He followed the direction in which it was coming from, for days on end. Flynn thought to himself that he would never find her and he started to give up when they ended up in a dry, sandy area, which was very humid. Flynn figured that it must be a desert of some sort. He sat down and started to sob when the vibrant voice started to fade away.
Moments passed and Flynn felt someone’s hand on his shoulder. Then he heard a voice he would recognize anywhere. It was Rapunzel! The Enchantress had forced her out of the tower and placed her in this desert. She knelt down in front of him, held him closely when tears started to stream down her face. Seven tears from Rapunzel’s eyes fell into the Prince’s eyes. He started to continuously blink, and his sight came rushing back to him. He could see her beautiful face again, and at that moment, he took her onto his noble steed and they rode off to Flynn’s castle where they would wed and live happily ever after.    

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