Hang on, Sweetheart | Teen Ink

Hang on, Sweetheart

March 31, 2016
By Andrea.Heaney BRONZE, Orient, Ohio
Andrea.Heaney BRONZE, Orient, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Not all girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. Some girls are made of sarcasm and wine and everything is fine.&quot;<br /> -unknown

Life is going to hit you hard when you least expect it. You always think you're ready for these things but you never are. You think you're doing great, like you're not going to get bad again. But then all the sudden things change and its like the world shifted. You sunshine suddenly turned into a hurricane that you can't get out of. And its like you are lost again with no sense of direction. Like you're screaming and screaming but no one hears you. You're drowning in your own misery, and it sucks. a lot. But you know what? you will get back up because just as hard and just as random the storm hit you, the sun will come again. When you least expect it. All your crying nights and hurtful days will fade into real laughter and genuine smiles. Life will hit you hard, sometimes bad and sometimes good, but you cant fear of these things. Because no matter how hard you try and keep your guard up, the walls will fall and things will shift just like before. Just let go and let life run its cycle. Everything will be okay, sweetheart. Hang on until then please.

The author's comments:

I know it is hard to get back up after life hits you hard, but you have too. I believe in you. 

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