Love Them to Death | Teen Ink

Love Them to Death

April 22, 2016
By monique15x BRONZE, East Chicago, Indiana
monique15x BRONZE, East Chicago, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

July 16, 1985
The attack was over in seconds. To me it felt like it would never end but in seconds I lost everyone I loved. On July 10, 1985 was when my family was murdered and I heard the whole thing happen. I remember every sound I heard. That day is forever stuck in my head, repeating a thousand times a day. We had been on vacation in New York staying in a little apartment, just me, my mom, my dad and little brother Tommy. The day this happened I remember getting into an arguement with my mom because she wanted me to go the store for dinner supplies. I went even though I was being a bratty 17 year old girl and was pissed. I got back and started walking towards our room when I heard screaming. I just thought it was my parents arguing again, which I absolutely hated when they would. I wish this time they were just arguing. Then there was an unfamiliar voice screaming for them to shut up, and I heard Tommy squeal a painful squeal...I was frozen. He started with Tommy, then my mom, and then went to my dad. My mom pleaded for him to leave Tommy alone but that was just egging him on. Now my heart was beating at a speed I’ve never felt before. In that moment… I knew what it meant to cry so hard that you can’t breathe. Hearing Tommy cry and scream from the pain was the worst thing I’ve ever heard, and I always hear it repeat in my head now. Then it just stopped so suddenly, Tommy was gone. My 6 year old brother was gone because some heartless person decided to take his life. At this point I just hear the screams, the constant pleading and the crying...I didn’t know what to do but run.
It’s been a week, probably the longest week of my life. Being 17 without a family takes a huge toll on you mentally, especially when you have nowhere to go. I can’t go to the police because I don’t know what I would tell them. I don’t even know what happened and I heard the whole thing. That would sound crazy, and to be quite honest I think I’m going insane. You don’t even know me and you probably think I am. I’m Taylor and I am absolutely terrified of what’s been going on. Just a week ago I heard my parents and younger brother get brutally murdered, and the worst part is that I have no clue who did it.
July 18, 1985
It’s been two days since I last wrote and so much has happened. I walked past a store and saw something on the news. It was my family and me. “Man, wife, and son brutally murdered in apartment. Daughter gone missing”. I really hope they don't think I did it. I think I have to go to the police and tell them what happened, but what if they don't believe me? What if they try to arrest me and don’t find the man who did it? So many things could go wrong, but it’s not like anything has gone right in the past week anyways.
July 21, 1985
It’s been over a week of sleeping on park benches or in alleys and eating once a day. If I even get that lucky. I can’t even stay asleep longer than half an hour without waking up crying and shaking. Night terrors are now the only dreaming I do. I’m terrified to stay asleep, there’s so many things that could happen while I’m asleep. What if the cops find me? What if the man finds me? Actually too late for that. Did I mention that the other day I noticed this man following me for hours, and I think he’s the one. The one that murdered my family. He knows I’m still here and now he’s going to try to kill me.
July 24, 1985
You won’t believe what just happened. I found someone who actually believes me, this man walked up to me at the park because he recognized me from the news. I got scared that he was going to call the police but he actually listened. I think he said his name was Sam, and he wants to help me. This is the first good thing to happen in a while, and I think things might get better for me now.
July 28, 1985
I was so wrong, things didn’t get better they got worse. Sam is dead. Yes dead...I think the man found him and killed him. I walked past the same shop from before and on the news all I saw was, “Local man killed in home during the night”. It’s all my fault, this innocent man was murdered for trying to help me. God dammit, I’m done. Maybe I should be dead, what if it’s all my fault my family got murdered? What if the man went to the apartment for me? I don’t need the man to do it, I’ll save him the trouble. Goodbye this is the last letter you’ll be getting from Taylor.
August 3, 1990
Dear reader,
It has been brought to my attention that you've received letters from a patient at the hospital I work at. Please do not worry at all about what was said, and let me explain the truth. Taylor is a 22 year old patient who has severe medical problems such as schizophrenia, depression and multiple personality disorder. She has been here for 5 years now after she murdered her family back in July of 1985. Taylor has convinced herself that she never did it and that a man was the one who murdered them. I'm her new doctor and I have read over some of the copies we had of the letters you received. The man Sam was her last doctor who she killed after he tried to help her fix the problems in her head. I also have a theory about who “the man” is, it's her subconscious trying to get at her saying that she is the one who actually murdered her family and Sam. The reason she doesn't remember seeing anything is because when she went crazy her mind blocked that out and only allowed her to hear it. That is all, have a nice day and please give us a call if you receive any more things from the address below.

                                                     Sincerely Doctor Jane

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