Love Poem Fail | Teen Ink

Love Poem Fail

May 6, 2016
By DailyDOTZ BRONZE, Bentonville, Arkansas
DailyDOTZ BRONZE, Bentonville, Arkansas
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    Meet Dale, He’s a 15 year old boy who’s not really smart all the time and want’s to be  “perfect”. Today was Valentine’s day and Dale is trying to pick up a girl named, Emily to be his valentine. Unfortunately she has feelings for a righteous dude named Harris Mueller who is basically “Mr. goody two shoes”, His family is rich, owns an arcade and best of all, He’s french, and all of the girls,including Emily,dig french boys like him, but enough about Harris, let's go back to the story.        It was 3rd period in Denton High School, Creative writing class, everyone was socializing with their friends while Dale was too busy thinking “How am I gonna win Emily’s heart when She’s going out with Mueller.”
      Then the creative writing teacher, Mrs.Gosley came in and said “Alright class, take out your portfolioes, today we’re going to write poems.” This is an easy assignment for Dale, he’s like a poetry pro, even though he knows that jerky people think that poetry is stereotypically gay and it’s about british dude in skirts writing stories with rhymes but hey, all poems sound’s like it’s a rap song if you sing them. When Dale took out his portfolio he opened it and looked at all of the poems he wrote, they were basically about his favorite snacks , (and I the narrator can’t mention the brand name because of “advertisement concerns” so let me put it in some sort of parody names) Cheater’s cheese puffs, N&N’s, and PB and J cups, (and I know, giving them different names is a bit stupid.)
“It can be any kind of poem” said Mrs. Gosley, “a funny poem, a serious poem, a love poem, but let’s avoid poems about junk food shall we?” said Mrs, Gosley while giving Dale a weird look. “Junk food?” Dale thought to himself “Cheese puffs, and candy are not junk they’re… WAIT, did she say LOVE poem?” Now that Dale figured that out he made up a plan to win Emily’s heart.
   “Step one” Dale thinking to himself, “I’ll write a convincing love poem that expresses my love to Emily, step two, I’ll place this poem in Emily’s locker when she’s not looking, step three, after she reads the poem she’ll dump Harris’s sorry butt and will start going out with ME!” After Dale made up his plan he got to work on the poem, he was thinking of words that rhymes with Emily like Lovely or something like that. About ten minutes later he’s finally finished  making the poem here’s what he wrote…

You have known me for many years
and all this time I find you attractive like a magnet
you have made my heart beat again
every time i hear this name, Emily
to my ears it sounds lovely
and i know that we have never dated
I still think that we were meant to be mated
you are the miracle to my life
you also make the gross mushy red stuff in me pumped up
and you are so sharp like a knife
and every time you kick me in the up rights
in my head you are the light
the light that i see when i get K.O’ed
    “This is like the best poem that I have ever written!” Dale thought of, but how ever his evil arch nemesis Marcus looked over Dale’s shoulder and read the poem  he’s going to ruin dale’s pick up plan.”Hey, Emily Dale’s making a love poem about you!” Over at Emily’s table, she started to stare at Dale, not the one when it’s like Edward and Bella looking at each other in class from the story twilight I’m talking about the stare that makes you wet your pant, and Harris was making the same look at Dale like he thinks he’s trying to hit on his girl.
    So Dale had no choice but to shred his poem to pieces. “Goodbye love poem!” Dale thought to himself. While he was tearing up his poem, his teacher Mrs. Gosley came up to him and asked “Dale, are you having trouble writing something other than cheese puffs?” She asked him in a sweet voice and Dale felt so uncomfortable that she knows something’s up “Uhhh no..” replied Dale.
      The entire classroom was snickering including Markus “Poetry doesn’t come from food, it comes from the heart.” Said Mrs Gosley “Dale, what does your heart tell you?” Dale couldn’t answer because of Marcus humiliating him, and then Dale spoke, “What does my heart tell me? It tells me that MARCUS SHOULD KEEP HIS #@%$ING MOUTH SHUT!” and then Dale slapped his mouth closed with both of his hands and realized he just said a naughty word out loud in class.       And so, Dale got detention for cussing out loud and insulting another classmate, in this episode Dale learned three things, one you should never swear when you're near an adult, two valentine’s day is the worst holiday ever because he’ll never get a hot girlfriend , and three Markus ALWAYS win.

                                                               THE END


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