For the Love of Water! | Teen Ink

For the Love of Water!

November 6, 2016
By Anonymous

I stared immensely at the clear glass on the stainless counter.

The aqua seeping my h2o fetished veins, the slow notion and the unpleasant- yet soothing sound of the water.
It was indeed tempting.. I had not finished my geography study therefore I could not pleasure my taste with the eye-catching metal faucet flavoured liquid.

"FIREEEEEEE!!!" Some fool rushed into the kitchen interrupting my connections.

"What is it you wish for ice?" I glared at the young trembling ice imposter.

"Did you know..."

Before I allowed any further communication between the thing, I slapped it all the way to the Pacific Ocean with my minature waterbag exclusively won from "The happy bedtime water bears of watermia featuring their water dragon Skype with its slaves Frozen exe melted." lottery.

Incompetant civilians accuse my water obsession of being a mental disorder, little do those rats know... Water has overall dominated their lives.

After a brief while of contemplation; I had finally touched my soul mate.

Taking a sip from the fragile container and feeling the trickle down my throat.

Oh water...How I love you.

For it is said- or~ atleast just what I say, water for lifue.. not your wifue.

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This article has 1 comment.

Bueriah SILVER said...
on Nov. 25 2016 at 1:51 am
Bueriah SILVER, Miami, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Ohmigosh I love it!!