The Text | Teen Ink

The Text

January 17, 2017
By Nunnabug BRONZE, Smithland, Iowa
Nunnabug BRONZE, Smithland, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

They were in the car, driving down the icy highway. They had no care in the world except getting the perfect picture. They were snapping away, texting, calling, FaceTiming. The driver was doing well, rarely taking her eyes off the road, and if she did it was only for a split second. Her phone went off, and she opened the text message. 'Be safe. Love you baby'. She thought that since it was her mom it would be okay, she was only going to peek. But the second her eyes left the road she swerved into oncoming traffic and was crushed beneath an 18-wheeler. She had no time to pay attention to the road, her phone was more important. But was it? The sirens came and everyone was pulled over, looking at the gruesome accident. They immediately rushed to the car, it was an inferno of heat. The blood was everywhere, spilling into the other lanes. Everybody knew it was too late. One text message ignored would have saved the lives of her and her four friends that were with her. It's the text that her mother will regret sending for the rest of her life.

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