Define Perfection | Teen Ink

Define Perfection

December 14, 2017
By Akiriues SILVER, Wellington, Colorado, Colorado
Akiriues SILVER, Wellington, Colorado, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'I am not a label"- Unknown

 Define perfection. Tell the world what being perfect looks like. Is it the rolling curls of gorgeous locks of hair, the curve of a perfect cupid bow shape on our lips?  Tan skin, free of acne or splotches. An amazing arch in a brow. The right amount of height, and weight. Having the desirable curves in the hips. The white teeth movie star smile, flashing to all. Being loved by everyone, being known by everyone. Clothes that everyone longs for. Being popular.

Define perfection. Is it the unique outline of the face, the tiny specks of freckles that brush along the nose? Or is it the way the lips form, an exclusive look only for one. The bright flush in one’s skin.  A friend that can fall with trust fully in only a few to catch them. Not always known by everyone, but close with a few.

Define perfection. Scrolling through pictures, pause, glance at the photo. An ideal. Searching the comments, seeing the like count. Then staring into a mirror. Staring deep into the soul, seeing flaws that don’t make an individual perfect. Seeing only a weird being that doesn’t fit into the perfect category. Judged and rated by numbers, confidence sinks until it’s even more negative than the thinking.

Define perfection. What is it? Ponder it. What is the ideal? Who created the need to be like everyone else, the craving to fit in, to be noticed. The only way to be noticed is to take the favorite band t-shirt, rock it. What is perfection to you?

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