Four Glowing Eyes | Teen Ink

Four Glowing Eyes

May 9, 2018
By Wolfboy00 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Wolfboy00 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who taunt me. I am the only one who notices them.
Four glowing eyes with black pupils and vibrant glows, unlike mine. Four who seek my attention and only mine. Four dreadful eyes created in fear. From my window, I see them, but my parents just tell me to go to sleep.
Their gaze is chilling. They snicker as I pass them. They hide in the dreary shadows and hide in shimmering light and stalk with evil grins and distance themselves with fake cheerful smiles and never avert their gaze. This is how they watch.
Let I put down my guard, they move in close to attack, each with a sly grin and fiery eyes aglow. Watch, watch, watch they whisper when I tire. They annoy.
When I am too sad and depressed to keep watching, when I am a tiny flicker against their beacon of light, then it is I look far away. When there is nothing to watch from my window. Four who tease despite imaginary. Four who glow and do not forget to glow. Four whose only purpose is to bully me.

The author's comments:

This is a piece based off of The Four Skinny Trees from The House On Mango Street.

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