Gatsby & Daisy's reunion | Teen Ink

Gatsby & Daisy's reunion

November 30, 2018
By JoseAlva101 BRONZE, San Jose, California
JoseAlva101 BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a sunny bright morning, so bright that the sun was able to light up all the gloominess that had been lying around, a Sunday morning at Nick’s cottage down in West Egg, the year 1612. Nick leaves the cottage while Daisy & Gatsby were staring at each other in awe.

Gatsby engages in a conversation with recognition saying “Daisy… it’s been a while hasn’t it?” with a smirk on his face.

“Yes...yes it has, this is definitely a surprise seeing you, I’ve been walking around everywhere wondering if I will ever get to see you again,” Daisy replies while still being stunned at the fact Gatsby is standing by the chimney in front of her.

“What have you been up to all this time while I was away, I heard from Nick you married a man named Tom Buchanan and live along the shore of East Egg,” Gatsby says in agony.

Daisy sees how Gatsby actually feels and starts to comfort him by saying, “Well only because I was sick of waiting, I had soon run out of tear’s, Gatsby. You see I loved you for so long until that love managed to disperse. I do feel something though, I truly do.”

Gatsby remains mute in excitement after realizing that there is still a connection between him & Daisy “I don’t know what to say, I had no idea you felt that way, never would I have imagined that you did. Thank you for sharing.”

“Oh.. it’s no big deal forget I said anything,” Daisy says restlessly as she takes a sip of her tea.

“…no... Daisy let’s talk about it. I believe that there is something between us that just needs a spark, and I’m willing to walk that extra mile for you. Daisy, you have no idea what I’ve been through.” Gatsby says dramatically while looking out the window.

Daisy gets up to refill her tea, “As inviting as that sounds you must realize I am a married woman and it would only devastate my husband, however I still remember that feeling in my heart you would always bring, as if there is an emptiness inside of me calling for comfort that no one else can fill but you... “

Gatsby then says to himself, “I will fulfill all of these woman’s needs as if she was my own wife.” Then says to Daisy with excitement “Daisy can’t you see? We were meant to be, there is this mutual feeling between us… a bond that cannot be broken. Let our bond go through any trouble only to prove itself right.”

Daisy is appeased by the words coming out of Gatsby’s mouth so then replies “Oh my goodness, you’re absolutely right. Let us go on and challenge the world and whatever it throws at us so that we may prove our love right to handle troubles, Gatsby where have you been all this time. I must go home and tell Tom that I can no longer be with him, for I have been living a lie.”

Gatsby stands in shock & relief.

“Daisy, My dearest Daisy I will repay with happiness til death do us part.”


Credit: A work of fanfiction inspired by Nick, in West Egg, in Chapter 7. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Rationale: : I chose this section specifically because I could only imagine how important that this conversation must have been and also just the fact, for it to be unknown in the actual book had me dying to know, this conversation could’ve been the spark they needed to start to realize they love each other

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