Forbidden | Teen Ink


May 24, 2022
By Jxx_0_ BRONZE, Tomball, Texas
Jxx_0_ BRONZE, Tomball, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1

I was walking around the train station waiting for other wizards and witches to arrive. A few years ago I was accepted into Hogwarts. I am an only child and both my parents went there and so did a lot of my ancestors. My mum told me something I had never expected to hear. She wanted our pure-blood-blood-line to keep going on, as there were very few left. So - she had an arranged marriage with the “One and only” Draco Malfoy. As muggles were starting to leave, there was also another arranged thing. We would have the same classes, same dorm, same house, same seat on the Hogwarts express - all that jazz. My parents arrived after me, and so did the Malfoys. Draco walked up to me with his father behind him. We made eye contact and he reached out to grab my hand. I examined the rest of his appearance and saw his blond hair was slicked back and his eyes were a light blue - but not too light to where they were nearly gray. I took his hand and looked into his eyes again. “Off you go now children. We have things to do.” His father spoke, urging us to walk through the platform. I looked at him and nodded. “Yes sir.” He looked at me and smiled gently. “You are going to be a fine young lady for my son.” At his comment I blushed. We’ve been friends for years. I didn’t know that he actually trusted me with this. It was arranged. So I wasn’t told I was supposed to catch feelings. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen - otherwise who knows what would happen to our friendship. We began to walk hand and hand towards 9¾ platform. We walked through and stepped onto the Hogwarts express and sat down together. He decided to start small talk before the trolly of sweets arrived, and we grabbed a few before having a full on conversation. We then started to talk about how we were feeling about going to Hogwarts. After all, it is the best wizarding school. Ever. “So, I want to try to meet Harry Potter.” He told me. I giggled at the idea. Like the famous Harry Potter would like him. “I would like to see that actually happen. But right now I’m bored. Entertain me.” I looked through the window as the train started to move. I could feel his glare on me without even having to look. “Okay. But I have a gift for you.” I sat up straight and looked at him. “I love gifts.” I said nonchalantly.


A/N: What do you think the first was? It was probably really amazing to be honest. Knowing Draco, he’d do anything to make sure he did what his father told him - or just do anything to please him. I hope you enjoyed it! See you next chapter!


Chapter 2

We were walking up the stairs to reach the grand hall as we met Professor McGonagall. As she was speaking I started fiddling with the ring Draco had given me. “-And you will be sorted into your houses. They are Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.” Drago then gently nudged my side and whispered in my ear, “We’re both going to be in Slytherin.” My eyes still on McGronagall, I nodded. “Now children. Wait here for one moment.” Just as she had walked away, Draco had left to go talk to Harry Potter. “-And I’m Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.” I looked in his direction and I noticed a certain redhead snicker. “Think my name’s funny do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair, and a hand-me-down robe. You must be Weasley.” I giggled and rolled my eyes playfully. Draco looked back at Potter and scowled. “I’d watch it, Potter. Don’t want to be making friends with the wrong sort.” He then smirked and glanced over at me and I just smiled. His cheeks began to dust into a light pink shade. “I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks..” Draco then scoffed and returned back to me just as McGonagall appeared. I snickered at his failure and he glared at me. I shrugged and Professor McGronagall urged us to the grand hall for our sortings. ~Time skip brought to you by Draco’s widow’s peak~

Draco had just gotten sorted and now it was my turn.. “L/n.” Professor McGonogall called out. I gulped and started walking into the grand hall and glanced at Draco as I passed by him. He smiled at me and nodded and I continued walking towards the ‘throne’ and sat down. Professor McGonagall then placed the sorting hat on my head. “Hm… Ambitious, smart, adventurous, ooh, a little bit of spice in there. A spice of cunning. A bit of abruptness.” The hat then started to hum more thinking about its placement for me. “Slytherin!” The hat shouted. McGonagall then removed the sorting hat from my head and I ran to the Slytherin table and sat next to Draco. ~Time skip~

All the students went to their dorms, and Draco and I stayed in the Slytherin common room just talking to each other. He brought up my mother and how she had the idea for the forced marriage. When he brought it up - I started to fiddle with the ring he gave me. 

A/N: Sorry for this chapter for being short. I’ve been away from a lot of things. This story is one of them.

Chapter 3
Draco and I were walking up to the Astronomy tower and we were having a conversation about our future together. “I just think that if we’re getting married, we might as well try to catch feelings right? That way we wouldn’t be miserable when living together with kids and stuff.” I was walking backwards looking at Draco before I realized what I had just said. I stopped walking but Draco wasn’t looking at me, and he bumped into me causing me to fall and him fall on top of me. His arms were on either side of my head and he was hovering over me. “Fooling around now, are we?” I knew that voice from anywhere. Draco and I quickly jolted up and I started to explain what happened. “It- it’s not what it looked like! I was walking backwards and- and then I stopped and um… Draco sort of fell on top of me.” I stuttered out. While explaining this - I could feel myself turning red. In the corner of my eye I saw Draco slightly turn red. “I’m sorry Professor Snape. I-it won’t happen again…” He looked at us sternly. “It better not. We wouldn’t want to be losing house points over some silly fall.” We both nodded and kept walking towards the astronomy tower. We sat down on the stone seat that was conveniently there at the top of the tower and I looked out into the night sky, but I felt Draco’s eyes on me. “Do you need something?” I looked at him smirking, and cocked an eyebrow. He shook his head and smiled. “No. Just enjoying the view.” My cheeks flushed a bright pink. “Damn. That was smooth.” He nodded. “I can tell by your face.” My eyes widened slightly and I rested my face in my hands. I heard him scoot closer to me, and I started to foble to the side. (Idk what foble means. Basically like wobble or sm like that, but lean ig.) “Got anything else? Or was that it.” I remarked back at him while my half opened eyes fluttered closed when I looked at him. “I have others,” He paused and looked at me - smile faltering slightly. “But I can’t use them till later years.” It took me a minute to think about what he said and I felt heat rising to my cheeks and throughout my body. “Oh…” I responded nonchalantly. “I know what you’re thinking.” 

“Do you?” He simply nodded and stood up holding his hand out. “We should go before curfew starts.” I took his hand and stood up. We walked to our common room and we weren’t paying attention and ran into a professor. “Where are you two going now?” The deep voice spoke. ‘Amazing…’ I looked up at him, “We’re going back to our dorm, sir.” I replied shakily. He nodded his head. “Very well. Off you go.” We then said our goodnights and walked back to the common room. We sat on the couch and watched the fire burn as we sat next to each other. “What do you think our first day is going to be like?” I turned to Draco and asked him. He shrugged. “Do you mean our first official day with all the learning junk? Or today. If you’re talking about today, I swear to Merlin I will slap you.” He chuckled at the last part. I smiled and giggled. “Yeah, I totally mean today.” I smiled and he cocked an eyebrow and raised his hand slowly. “Yes Draco. Our official first day with all the learning stuff. Now put your hand down.” He lowered his hand slowly and then very quickly raised it again and lightly smacked my face. “Owie…” I cried and I rubbed my face white making my lower lip quiver. Draco looked at me apologetically then put on a straight face. I looked at him and straightened my face as well. We held eye contact for five minutes before I noticed his lips curling into a small smile. I did the same and then we burst out laughing. I leaned on him as we continued to watch the fire burn. My eyelids started to feel ~d r o o p y~ and I fell asleep on his shoulder. He didn’t notice till about thirty minutes later though. I woke up in the common room and noticed I wasn’t the ceiling wasn’t the ceiling. It was the bottom of his face. I saw up too quickly and felt like I hit my head on the top of a rock hard cave door. “Ow…” He whispered. “OhmymerlinIamsosorrydraco-” I apologized. He looked down and smiled at me. “It’s okay… love.” He said with a smirk on his face. “Wh- I’m sorry what did you just call me?” He chuckled. He knew what he was doing. “Oh nothing. Just called you love.” He looked at the fireplace as it was still burning in its beauty.

The author's comments:

Draco and y/n are in an arranged everything. you'll understand what i mean once you read it.

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