Miss Mary May Meets the Big Green Monster | Teen Ink

Miss Mary May Meets the Big Green Monster

May 31, 2013
By Anonymous

Miss Mary May Meets the Big Green Monster

On an old looking farm on a bright sunny day,
There once lived a cow named Miss Mary May.
This cow loved her farm there was no better place,
For everyone there had a smile upon their face.

Miss Mary May went on a walk,
She went on a walk and oh what a shock.
Right before her she saw something green,
Something very big and could get pretty mean.

Miss Mary May scurried back to her farm,
Back to the place where there would be no harm.
The cow shouted with fear about the thing in her path,
But the animals did not believe her and argued with great wrath.

She took them with her on her walk far away,
But there was nothing to be seen much to her dismay.
Trotting back to the farm with no smile there,
Thinking how could the monster vanish into thin air?

Miss Mary May decided she would wait until sunrise,
To prove to her friends that she was not telling lies.

Waking up the next morning ready to go,
When all of her friends simply told her no.
“Why should we go on a walk with you?
There will be nothing there but the grass and us too.”

“If you come just one more time I will prove to you all,
That there is something there that is big and tall!”
The farm animals said no and turned their backs,
All except one pig, him name was Big Mack.

Mack and Miss Mary May looked all around,
And were very surprised with the things that they found.

There right before them swimming in the lake,
Were not one but four monsters that made Mack and Mary shake.
The two of them were frightened but had to stay,
They had to make sure that the monsters did not go away.

Mack ran back quickly to tell the farm animals what he saw,
And they followed him to the place all in great awe.

Miss Mary May finally proved to them all,
That there were things there, things big and tall.
She walked back to her farm feeling happy inside,
For Miss Mary May will never forget the day that she earned her pride.

The author's comments:
This is a childrens book that I wrote for a class!

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