Never Land | Teen Ink

Never Land

June 11, 2013
By Brittney Love BRONZE, Dublin, Pennsylvania
Brittney Love BRONZE, Dublin, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Never Land

I see his shadow again. He comes to my window every night. He’s been doing this for three months now. I wonder what he wants. Does he want me? Or maybe he wants my brothers. I don’t know.

“What’s your name?” he asks.

It was the first time I heard him talk. His voice was low, but not too low that it would scare me.

“Wendy,” I replied: afraid of what he might say, “What’s yours?”

“Peter, Peter Pan.” he said.

His name sounded so familiar. I rushed over to my book self; trying be quiet so I didn’t wake up Henry and James up. We all share a bedroom. I search through all my books to find one called “Never land”.

I tiptoe over to Peter and ask “Are you Peter Pan from Never land?”

He answers “Yes, how do you know me?”

“When I was younger my mother would read me these fairytales about you and Captain Hook.” I said

“So you know about me and my homeland. Would you like to come back with me?” Peter asks, “You could meet the real me not just my shadow.”

“Could you bring me home is I wanted, or is this a one way trip?” I ask

“If you wanted, but it might be hard.” he said.

“How?” I asked

“Hook could see us and then will follow us back to your house and try to hurt you in some way.”

“Well we are going to have to be careful.” I say

He grabs my hand and zoomed out the window. We pass the Big Ben, and Aunt Linda’s house. We fly through the sky. I felt like a bird. The wind blowing my hair. The city is filled with lights. It’s amazing. But I got so tired that I feel asleep while flying.

When I wake up I’m there, at never land. It’s beautiful. The water is crystal clear. I see the rainbow fish swimming. Palm trees sway back and forth. I could get used to this.

We fly a little longer. Once we are over the ocean, he fly’s down to the forest. That’s when I see him.

He is standing tall about 5’’11. I’m only 5’’3. He has light blond hair, almost see through. His eyes, dark green and have a strange twinkle. He wears green tights with a green shirt that is tucked into his tights. He is just the way the book said he was, except for his eyes. The book never said anything about his eyes and the sparkle they have.

Peter shows me around. There is a big tree; it’s their hideout.

“We live here, Hook doesn’t know about this place, that’s why it’s safe.” Peter said

“Why don’t you and Hook get along?” I asked

“He is a pirate. Their evil. Once he tried to kill me.” Peter said.

“Really? That’s terrible.” I said.

“Do you want some food?” he asked.

“Yes please. What do you have?” I ask.

“We can have a fresh goose in twenty minutes.” he said.

“I’ve never had goose before. I think I’ll try some of that, if that’s okay?” I say.

“It’s fine like I said; the boys will be home in 20 minutes.”

“What boys?” I ask

“The lost boys, they came here because they don’t want to grow up. I’m here to take care of them.” Peter said.

When the boys walked through the door, they didn’t know what to say. They acted like they had never seen a girl before.
“Hello boys. This is Wendy.” Peter said
“Hello, Wendy.” They said all at once they sounded like robots but sure didn’t act like it. Well at least they smiled.

Their ages were 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12. Peter and I are 16.

The littlest one Henry, clings on to me. He is adorable; He has the lightest blue eyes I have ever seen. He has dirty brown hair almost like mine. He is warm; it feels so nice on my cold skin.

“ONE GOOSE!” Peter yelled,” YOU ONLY GOT ONE GOOSE! What is your problem?”

“STOP!” I screamed. “One goose is fine. I can cook; we’ll have enough, its okay.”

After dinner, all the boys went to bed even Peter. But Henry couldn’t sleep. He came and crawled in bed with me. Of course I said yes. He’s too adorable to say no to.
I couldn’t fall asleep either so we started talking. He told me about the mermaids and the rainbow fish.

I asked, “Do you want to go home? Or do you have too much fun here?”

“I want to go home more than anything else in the world,” he answered.

“Then why don’t you, “I asked.

“Once he brings you here, you never leave,” he answered.

“Why, that’s terrible. Do you think they’ll let me go?” I asked.

“No, the only way you can get out of here is to find Captain Hook,” he answered.

“Captain Hook! But he’s the bad one here.”

“No he isn’t. That’s what everyone thinks. The truth is Captain Hook is the good guy. Peter wants to take over never land, but Captain Hook is ruler now. Peter is going to try to kill him there in three days.”

I’m getting tired now. I’m going to go to sleep. Goodnight,” I said.

“Wendy, get up. It’s time to start practicing for our battle with Hook, “Peter said to me as he was waking me up.

I went along with it. I learned to fist fight and fight with swords. I had fun, but it was late and I was getting tired, so I decided to cook dinner. After dinner, we went to sleep because we knew we’d have a long battle in the morning.

While everyone else was sleeping, I snuck out. I ran as fast as I could to the ocean. There I saw Captain Hook’s ship. It was blue because it would be camouflaged by the water so Peter couldn’t find him during the day. I whistled and the ship came to shore. I hopped on.

Captain Hook greeted me, “Hello, what do you want?”

“Hello, Captain Hook. I’m Wendy. Peter Pan brought me here from England, “I said.

“So you work with Peter,” he said. “Then we must have to kill you, love.”

“No. Wait! I have come here to work with you. One of Peter’s boys told me about what Peter does and how he kidnaps kids and tells them that they never grows up. They don’t grow up but they have to be slaves. That’s why I have come here to work with you. The boys also told me that you were the good guy and ruler of never land.” I said.

“Why should I trust you? You could just be a spy. How do I know?” Hook said.

“Peter scares me and my mother taught me never to lie. And I never disobey my mum.” I said.

“If I trust you, you must tell me everything that Peter has planned to do with me and those boys.” Hook said.

“Alright. Well, tomorrow, at sunrise, Peter and the boys are going to try to kill you” I said.

“Thank you. Now I trust you. But we should get some shut eye.” Hook said.

Hook took me to my bedroom. I crawled in bed and within 5 minutes I was asleep.

“Good morning.” Hook said, while handing me some hot chocolate.

Then we heard a big thump. It was Peter landing on the ship.

“Ready for battle?” Hook asked,

I replied...

“I’m always ready.”

The author's comments:
I love the move "Peter Pan"

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