Gregor the overlander epilogue | Teen Ink

Gregor the overlander epilogue

May 16, 2014
By David Grez Contreras BRONZE, Tolleson, Arizona
David Grez Contreras BRONZE, Tolleson, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Gregor was making his way to go pick up Boots when it happened. It had been years since he had felt this sensation. His senses heightened. Yet, it happened so fast. He had been walking so calmly on the way to go pick up Boots from school. Someone had come out of no where and placed a small sharp object on his side. In one swift moment his attacker was on the ground with a small butterfly knife sticking out of his chest. Gregor didn't even remember doing it. It was like the first time he felt it long ago. After Solovet had dared him into trying out the exercises. He didn't even know what had happened until he looked around and noticed everyone had been staring at him. He had taken out all the bloodballs. The moment he realized what he had just done he ran home. He walked into his apartment with blood still on his hands. There was no one in the apartment. Both of his little sisters were still at school as well as his parents at work. Gregor had no idea what he was going to do. The last time he had taken a life it had been hundreds of miles under New York City in the Underland when he had killed the Bane. Instinctively he went for a photo he kept with him at all times. It was a picture he had taken in the museum in the city of Regalia during the war with Luxa. When they had taken the picture Gregor was sure he was going to die when he fought the Bane but he hadn't. He had made it out alive barely. He was in such shock that all he did was sit on the couch staring into her eyes. His dad got home first, he told him everything that had happened. How he was on his way to pick up Boots when someone had attacked him and that all he knew was that the guy was laying on the floor with a knife in his chest. When he was done the first thing he said “ Lets go get Boots.” When they got to the school Boots wouldn't speak to Gregor sense he had left her all alone at the school. As soon as they got home his dad told his mom everything and they quickly made a decision. They all had to return to the Underland. Forever. It didn't take long for him to pack his things the only thing that truly mattered to him was with him at all times. His picture of him and Luxa. It was around 8 pm when they all made there way down to the laundry room where a grate lead them to the Underland. The moment he landed on his feet he began to move. He knew that there wasn't much danger sense the rats and the humans had decided it was time for peace. Then there was the daunting task of riding Regalia. It had been so long he forgotten how to get there. He did the first thing that came to mind look for a Regalian Scout. They walked for about twenty minutes when one spotted them. The Regalian landed in front of them. He was about Gregor's height but looked several years older. Gregor had never seen him before but the scout knew who he was. The Regalian introduced himself as Crysal. He motioned toward his bat which was dark blue with dark red tips on his ears and said he was named Felix. Gregor was a little anxious to get to Regalia so he asked Crysal if he could help them get there. Crysal said that Felix wasn't strong enough to take all of them so Gregor had him take his little sisters and his mom first. When Crysal returned he didn't come alone. He came with an old friend of Gregor. He looked older yet Gregor couldn't have missed him. Mareth had learned to use his new leg and was even good at riding. Mareth informed Gregor they had to hurry back or else `he would miss something very important. They were flying through the tunnels when Mareth informed him that Luxa was to be married sense she had come of age. The flight was endless to him as soon as they landed in the High hall Gregor ran in the direction Mareth had told him the ceremony was to take place. Gregor wasn't sure how weddings occurred in the Underland sense the last time he had been here it was all about war. So he did the first thing that came to mind. He ran in. The moment he entered the room all eyes were on him. Everything was silent. After several minutes Gregor only said one thing to one person. He looked Luxa straight in the eyes and said “Hi, you.”

The author's comments:
I have recently reread the underland series and like many have been upset about the ending. so I started to write my own. this is what I have so far

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on Aug. 22 2014 at 9:48 am
.Autumn. SILVER, New Prague, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't tell me the sky's the limit, when there's footprints on the moon."

I loved it! You should write more. I want to see what happens!