A chance meeting | Teen Ink

A chance meeting

May 24, 2014
By madfangirlwithabox BRONZE, Atascadero, California
madfangirlwithabox BRONZE, Atascadero, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sherlock wiped his brow of perspiration and went back to the forge hammering away thoughtlessly. He was so caught up in his work he did not notice his best friend, Doctor John Watson, enter. “Sherlock,” John started to speak then realised that Sherlock could not hear him. “SHERLOCK!!!” Sherlock stopped hammering. “Oh, John, what a surprise. To what, do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” Sherlock asked putting down his hammer. “Oh,I just came to deliver some good news.” John said “And what is that?” Sherlock asked pleasantly. “I’ve just asked Mary to be my wife.” John said casually. “Oh.” Sherlock’s eyes widened in surprise. “Sherlock, is everything alright?” John asked as Sherlock sat down on his workbench. “No its fine John, good for you.” Sherlock stared absently into the distance. “Oh Sherlock, don’t worry, you will find love soon enough.” John soothed. Sherlock rose and grabbed his crow bar. “It’s impossible though! The idea of me falling in love at first sight? It’s romantic nonsense! There is no scientific rationale to it!” Sherlock waved the crowbar around impatiently. “Here we go again, Sherlock its not science. You meet the right girl; and it just hits you like lightning. That’s what happened with Mary and I. The first time we met, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her.” Sherlock rolled his eyes and walked away. “It will happen to you, just wait and see.”
Sherlock sat down at Mrs. Hudson’s bar and ordered a beer from the bartender. “Anything else sweetheart?” The bartender asked sweetly. “No thanks.” Sherlock said sourly as the bartender slipped a glass into his hand. It was only moments later that Sheriff Lestrade sat down next to him. “Did you hear the good news? John and Miss Morstan are getting married! That’s almost everyone in the town!” Sherlock groaned and took a sip of his drink. “Listen, I need your help. You’ve heard of the infamous outlaw Jim Moriarty?” He’s about six miles out of the town. I need you to track him down.” Lestrade whispered “You're a Sheriff, you do it.” Sherlock muttered “I would, but it’s the wifey and my anniversary, I need to be home. Will you go?” Sherlock got up and walked out of the Saloon and grabbed his hat. “Honey, you forgot to pay!” The bartender cried. “Put it on my tab.”
“Hiyah!” Sherlock cried flicking the reigns up, urging his black horse to go faster. His shotgun was strapped to his back and his coat billowed in the wind. He saw up ahead a group of bandits surrounding carriage. “Ho.” he commanded as he reached the pilligarers. “Junk. Junk. Junk. That’s all I found over here.” One man's voice said gruffly. “Hey this is a pretty one.” Another man pulled a pretty young brunette out of the carriage. “Hey!” She cried. “If you're smart you’ll let go of her now.” Sherlock said pointing his shotgun at the man. “Hey boss! We’ve got company!” A third man poked his head out of the carriage. “Oh! Hello!” The third man adjusted his tie and spread out his arms. “Let her go!” Sherlock ordered pointed his gun at the suited man. “Or what?” The man asked amused. “I’ll make you.” Sherlock said smiling.
20 minutes later, the two henchmen lay on the dirt unconscious, hit in the back of the head with the barrel of Sherlock's gun. Sherlock stood in front of Jim Moriarty with Moriarty’s pistol pointed at his face. “Isn’t this a change of plans?” Moriarty said in a sing-song voice. Sherlock sighed and struck the pistol over Moriarty’s head. He rushed to the side of the pretty young brunette and touched her shoulder gently. “I’m alright now.” She said and Sherlock noted she was English. She looked up at Sherlock and Sherlock realised that she was indeed pretty, beautiful even. And just like John said, he couldn’t stop looking at her. “Mister, you saved my life.” She said staring up into the stunning green-blue eyes. “You’re very welcome, Miss…?” “Hooper. Molly Hooper.” “Molly. What a beautiful name.” Molly turned a deep red color. “And you are?” “Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes.” “Well, Mr. Holmes, I’m afraid my carriage wheel is broken and I need a lift to town.” Molly said in a flirting tone. “Oh! Where are you headed to? My horse can carry your luggage.” Molly could have sworn the horse rolled his eyes. “A town called Plum?” “Well it just so happens that I live in Plum.” “Well then Mister Holmes, what are we waiting for?”

The author's comments:
Inspired by this fanart and sets of dialogue: http://artbylexie.tumblr.com/tagged/West%21lock
A/N So this is based off some fanart I found on tumblr by artbylexie. I did not do it… nor come up with the idea of West!Lock. In this AU Sherlock is a little less of a sociopath and a little more human. That is the only way I could imagine him falling in love with Molly.
Sherlock: the blacksmith/scientist
John: the town Doctor
Lestrade: the Sheriff
Mrs. Hudson: runs the saloon but “isn’t the bartender”
Molly: the newly arrived school teacher with a love of science
Mycroft: the mayor
Moriarty: the outlaw

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 2 2014 at 7:06 am
uncomfortableBrunette SILVER, Lr. Sackville, Other
5 articles 13 photos 164 comments

Favorite Quote:
I want to hate you half as much as i hate myself

Oh! This is so good! Sherlock has fallen in love!!!! Are you gonna write another part? I want to know what happens next!!! (: