Black Panther | Teen Ink

Black Panther

October 12, 2016
By vatoman68+1 BRONZE, Riverside, California
vatoman68+1 BRONZE, Riverside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Young prince T'Challa is out hunting when he spots his prey out in the distance.T'Challa quickly makes his way to a ledge above the creature roaming around his kingdom´s forest.When T'Challa has the creature at arrow point he realizes that he has never seen anything quite like this beast upon him. T'challa instead of killing the beast he decides to observe it and see how it behaves.Upon observing the beast closely he notices that it somewhat resembles an ally of his named Tony Stark.

¨Tony is that you?¨ T'challa said in confusion.¨Tony if that's you,say something or i will shoot¨ T'challa said patiently waiting for a response.
  T'challa jumped down from the ledge from where he was observing the creature.To his surprise it was Tony, atleast what was left of him.Tony out of now where attacked T'challa and it seemed like he try to bite him.T'challa quicking reacted and shot a arrow into his friend tony.
T'challa dragged dead tony´s body back to his place to see what has happened to him.
During his experiments T´challa´s results were that tony died a long time ago but somehow was still able to move and do tasks like a normal human.T'challa decide he needed help to understand this so he called up the smartest person he knows.
¨Come on pick up¨ T'challa said with frustration, ¨I wonder if something has happened to Reed.¨
T'challa decides it's time to leave the savage lands and head into the city to check up on Reed.T'challa went into his bedroom and typed in a pin into a wall,that opened up a hallway which held T'challa's suit.T'challa put on his black panther suit and went out to the helipad.
T'challa climb on board of his jet and flew all the way from africa to New york.T'challa reached New york in a matter of hours because being the ruler of the wealthiest city in the world gives him a edge on the latest technology.From the air he saw that the city was in ruined. T'challa made his way through the deserted streets and headed to the fantastic four building.Walking all alone in the streets that had cars crashed into buildings and oil leaking out of them gave T'challa the shivers.
¨Anyone out there¨ screamed T'challa,¨hello,my name is T'challa,is there anyone here?¨
T'challa saw someone limping slowly towards him.T'challa sprinted over to the injured man hurling over cars in the process.
¨Sir are you ok? Do you need any help?¨ T'challa said as he reached the man.
No response from the man.
¨Sir do you by chance know what happened to the city?¨
T'challa was now within arm's reach when the man saw him and growled at him.The man attacked T'challa but thanks to the suit that T'challa was wearing he didn't feel a thing.T'challa retracted his claws out and sliced the man in half.There was a noise from the street that T'challa had come from. As he turned around to see what it was he immediately started a full sprint,jumping over cars and dodging obstacles trying to get as far away as possible from the heard of people chasing him.
Acting fast T'challa used his metal claws to spark a fire, using the gasoline that was leaking from a nearby car.Black panther ran away from the area as soon as the fire made it's way to the car and ignited. Black panther made his way downtown in search for the fantastic four building.
T'challa made his way down a couple of streets, when an a nose pricing order made it's way through his suit.Up ahead the street was the biggest,most ugliest creature that T'challa has ever encountered.T'challa was cornered by the beast.The beast slowly turned around and T'challa  saw that it was bruce banner but mutated. T'challa didn't want to hurt his friend but bruce started charging towards him,so he had no choice.T'challa fear in his eyes sprinted towards bruce then changed directions diagonally straight to a wall.T'challa ran across a wall and flip over bruce slashing him in the face with his claws.T'challa didn't want to finish him off so he ran away while he was distracted.T'challa finally found the fantastic four building. He went inside and got inside the elevator and pressed the 67 floor.
¨Hello..Reed¨ said T'challa as the elevator doors opened.
¨Reed are you in here?¨
Something stretched across the room and went into the master bedroom.T'challa quickly chased after it.Stepping into the dim room T'challa saw something on the bed.T'challa flicked the lights on and saw something horrific.On the bed was Reed staring right at t'challa.Poor reed had been turned into one of those undead creatures.
Reed quickly stretched his arms five feet across the room and grabbed T'challa. T'challa struggle to loosen Reed´s grip he knew that he was a goner.T´challa´s blood circulation was slowly down ever so slightly.
All of the sudden the widow to the left of T'challa busted open and through the window came Steve Rogers throwing his shield at the wall bouncing it at Reed's head and decapitating him and releasing T'challa form Reed´s grip.
¨Thank you Steve¨ T'challa said.
¨Don't mention it,just be more careful¨ Steve said,¨this isn't the same world you remember,things have changed.¨
¨Yea tell me about it¨
¨Follow me onto the roof and i´ll show you¨
T'challa followed Steve to the roof and saw that the whole city was filled with these undead creatures and he know that things weren´t gonna be the same for a long time.
¨You see things have changed,now we need to stay alert in order for us to stay alive.¨ Steve said.
¨Well lets get strated¨

The author's comments:

The comic books on Marvel Zombies inspried me to wirte this story.

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