Harley's New Boyfriend | Teen Ink

Harley's New Boyfriend

January 25, 2017
By TelevisionMan BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
TelevisionMan BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day, Harley Quinn, the very beautiful DC super hero girl, finally finds her boyfriend, The Flash. It all starts with a love song written and performed by Harley herself, then it picks up to a confrontation with her equally pretty DC super hero girl friends after kiss-blowing, swooning, spinning and la-la-la-ing. Harley won't put up with the tedious laws of the girls and goes out to date Flash that night. On the date, Harley messes up by blowing raspberries at Flash and talking in a male announcers' voice causing a breakup between the two of them. Harley is then laying on her bed crying.

Wonder Woman ("Wondy") enters the room and Harley asks "What is it, Wondy?" tearfully and sniffly. Wonder Woman simply asks her to "snap out of it" and apologize to Flash for the lousy date. An apology strikes and the two are reunited. Then, Harley dreams of her and Flash's wedding. They dated each other once again and lived happily ever after, the end.

The author's comments:

You'll fall in love with Harley and her boyfriend in this touching teen romance novel.

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