The Big Tea Party | Teen Ink

The Big Tea Party

December 10, 2018
By samstry6 BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
samstry6 BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The voice of the tax collector filled the street. Children were playing on the street ran inside to get away from him. Knowing my family has to give up their hard earned money make me feel like I could do more or try to get another job. My mother works as a maid and something times a cook and my father as a construction worker. We make do on what we have, but now Great Britain is taxing us it made life harder. My father, mother, brother and I live in a one-room house. I like it something because I always have my family next to me but I could never have my once space. Our kitchen was in a different house this is because if the kitchen was never to catch on fire we wouldn’t lose us the house as well. We mainly eat this we grew or that we can make easily. Once we got bread because father got a little more money from his job. I think that was the best supper I’ve ever had. I would like to think I had it pretty good compared to the other children in my class. I think is because of most children father where off protesting and fighting. My father wants no part of fighting and getting involved with the red coat. He believes that fighting wouldn’t help the problem it would only make more problems. I live next to my best friend Abigail.

   “ Did you hear the Sons of Liberty tarred and feathered another tax collector?” Abigail said as a disturbing look came on her face.

“ I ask my father about what that does to a person. He said the tar is so hot that turns your skin, then it closes your mouth and noses. But if somehow you survive that it is so painful to get the tar off your skin.” I explain feeling like I know what I’m talking about.

“ Is that why your father won’t fight?’ Abigail asked.

“ I guess. I mean he doesn't believe that we should fight and hurt others to get what we want. I think he's right in a way but you got to fight for what you want.” I answer.

“ I don’t understand why Great Britain is taxing us for things we need.” Abigail exclaim.

“ Me too.”

As I walked into my house I see father grabbing his coat and running out the door. This was new for me to see my father like because he never runs, he says he’s too old to be running.

“Where are you going?” I asked. It was too late he was already down the street. I peck my head out the door to see all the men on me street walking into the town square.

“ Mother, why is everyone going to the town square?”

“ Samuel Adams called a meaning about something.”

“Who’s Samuel Adams?’ I ask

“ He starts the Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty are the people are really pushing this taxation without representation against Great Britain.” Mother explained.

“So they are fighting for us?”

“ Yes. Why do you ask?”   

“What is father doing there?”

“I think your father has had enough of paying for things that we need. So he is going to partake in the fight.” Before I could ask anyone question Francis starts crying. Mother looks so tired from working all day so I decided to go see what he needs. As I pick him up to comfort him I hear people walking back into their house and they are talking about tomorrow.  I can’t hear all that well the words I can make out it “Boston Hardon” and “Thursday night”. When father steps into the house I rush to give him a big hug and to give him Francis. I was going to ask him about the meaning but I decided not to. I head over to my cot and then fall asleep. I think of what everyone is planning to do. I thought I would ask Abigail if her father went or her two brothers went.

Waking up the next morning I was hoping father would still be here and he would be safe. All night I was thinking of a hundred different scenarios some good and some are bad. I was trying not to let the bad ones overpower my thoughts. As I rise, I somewhat open my eyes I see father and mother talking about tonight. Mother nudges at his sleeve motioning him to stop talking. I get up and get dress.

   Abigail and I meet in town but off to the side we act like we are playing. I only had a few minutes so I had this quick.

   “ Did your father go to that meaning last night?” I ask.

   “ Yes. Did yours?”

   “ He did. Do you know anything?”

   “ No.” She answers.

   “ Do you?”

   “ When I was comforting Francis, I heard men going back into the houses talking about Boston Hardon and Thursday night. I think they have a plan to do something. I scared for our fathers and your brothers. I don’t want anything to happen to them. I think it was Samuel Adams that is leading them.” The smile on her face disappear. Her bright blue eyes went a little grey.  

   “ wh..wha..what..” She manages to spit out.

   “ I overhead store owners talking about how they are getting a shipment of tea for the Boston Hardon,” I ask but Abigail's eyes get greyer. Abigail is sitting there in shock. It looks like she could move even if dogs were coming for her.

   “We should go and watch,” I say, a smile is starting to take over my face.

   “ Are you crazy or something like that. It's like you want to die. You don't even know what everyone is going to do. Plus, you don’t even know where this is all going down. So NO!!!” She says trying to be my mother.

“ I am with you or without you,” I say was a stern torn.

“ Abigail, Abigail honey it's time for supper.” Abigail mother said peeking her head. There was nothing that going to stop me from seeing what was going to go down.

“ I have to go but don’t go. I know my brother is going he will tell me what happened and then I will tell you.” She said standing up and brushing off her dress. I knew I couldn't go because what was on the line and I really didn't know anything about what was going on.

I hear a loud pounding on my door. I was so hesitant to answer the door because it could be a red coat. But I answer it, it was Abigail. I invite her in.

“ So what happens?”

“ My brother told me that they pushed 342 crates of tea into the Boston Harbor”

“ That’s a lot of tea. Do you know why? Was anyone hurt?”

“ They did it because tea is such a popular drink in  Britain. Also, It also was a major source of income. But I think the main reason is that a British company and the colonies were told they could only buy tea from this one company and it would be too much money for people to afford and no.” Abigail explained but talking a thousand words a second.

“ How in the world did they pull it off?”

“ I really don’t know. ”

Abigail left shortly after telling me this.  

“ They're coming! They're coming!” I hear people running in their house and screaming so everyone knows. I couldn’t see over people and store.

“ Who's coming?” But by then it was too late.

The author's comments:

it is about the tea party.

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