Muddy Trench | Teen Ink

Muddy Trench

March 15, 2019
By AlanMacias BRONZE, South Sioux City, Nebraska
AlanMacias BRONZE, South Sioux City, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   Only eighteen years prior, he came out of his mother's womb. Now, his life is going to be taken from him. He is only a child, he doesn’t deserve this; no one does. Being stuck in this muddy trench with rain gushing from the sky isn’t exactly where he imagined himself to be as a kid. But here he is, praying the rosary and trembling with fear. In a little less than a minute, he will be trying to cross No Man’s Land. These were the captain's orders. On the other side of No Man's Land stood a countless number of Germans with machine guns ready to mow down anyone who took even a peek. This is where it ends he thought to himself. His emotions filled with anger, sadness, and regret. Looking around at all his fellow soldiers, they were all quiet. No one daring to speak. Their days were over and they knew it.

    Suddenly, the general came in and told everybody to prepare. Soldiers grabbed their weapons, grenades, tear gas, anything that would hurt the opposition. He climbed the ladder, terrified of what would happen next. The captain blew his whistle and the entire wave of soldiers ran up onto the land, running to their death.

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