Florence Rose and the titanic ship sinks | Teen Ink

Florence Rose and the titanic ship sinks

May 13, 2019
By Anonymous

In Queenstown, Ireland, on Thursday, April 13, 1912, Florence Rose was getting on a boat toward Newfoundland. She boards the boat around 12:30 and it leaves at 1:30. Florence Rose is only 18 years old and is going to visit her family. Florence Rose is boarding The Titanic and little does she know what she is getting her self into. This boat ride with either is life or death for everyone getting on this boat.

Florence Rose is really excited about riding on this ginormous boat she has only seen pictures of boats but not boats this big. She grabbed her luggage and got on her way to her room. She has a lot of money so she is staying in the first class accommodation of the ship. Florence Rose meets Jack Dawson and Rose Buktar. Florence saw Jack at first glance and could tell there was some sort of connection.

It was around 7:30 pm and Florence is really tired and decided to go to sleep earlier than she normally does. She changed her clothes and brushed her teeth and went to bad. She fell asleep right away. She had this weird dream about something happening to this ship. The ship was just close its dock but the wind blew it and it was getting close to an iceberg. The ship started drifting and it hit the ice break. All the lights started going off on the ship and to exit her room and get on a lifeboat but she realized the lifeboat only had three people on it. Rose, Jack, and her on the lifeboat. Then Florence woke up from her sleep and decided to get a drink of water to erase the dream that she just had. She goes to the bathroom and grabs a drink from the sink and laid back down in bed and fell back asleep.

It was the next day April 13, 1912, and this is when everything starts to slowly go downhill. Florence woke up early because she had to go tell Jack about the dream she had while she was asleep last night. Florence went into the gym and that’s where Jack was. She gladly got his attention told him that they met yesterday. She told Jack about what happened in her dream that the boat was going to crash into a ginormous iceberg and that they ended up in a lifeboat together. Florence told Jack about how when she met him yesterday she felt a really strong connection between the two of them. She told him if the ship hits the iceberg to save her because they are meant to be together. He was just surprised because he has never met her before and kind of thought she was crazy.

It was April 14, 1912, around 11:40 at night. The ship had struck the iceberg. Florence was correct about the dream she had. Its all starting become real she says to herself in a nervous voice. Jack and Rose knock on her door and Jack is surprised. Over ahead of the ship an SOS came up throughout the whole entire ship. Everyone started to freak out and so did the captains. Now it is life or death for Rose, Jack, and Florence and to see what is going to happen. Everyone got out of there rooms. The collision was death on hitting the iceberg.

It was ten minutes after midnight they went over the system again and told everyone they need to head to the lifeboats. Florence quickly grabbed Jack away from Rose and run towards the lifeboats. Florence Rose is starting to figure out she’s destined to be with Jack. Jack got really mad at Florence because she took him away from Rose. Don’t you remember what I told you yesterday Jack? How the ship is going t hit the iceberg and I need you to save me instead of Rose. They both got to the lifeboats and they both got in and rose was trailing behind them and she almost made it in and the boat started sinking.

“ROSE!” said Jack her started to cry.

The author's comments:

I just kind of based this story from the movie with the characters. 

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