love in the revolution | Teen Ink

love in the revolution

May 16, 2024
By kamarawash06 BRONZE, Ofallon, Missouri
kamarawash06 BRONZE, Ofallon, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

¨This is not the time for games. We have a big war coming up in a  week. These colonists didn't want to listen. They wanted  to be disobedient and do whatever. We have to move in and go into war with them now, we fight till the death of us. We fight for our country, when we win this war we are going to take over the colonists land and they are going to come back to Britain and work here while we make America a working country for us,¨ Christopher  the Britain commander stated with a demanding voice. 

Everyone knows that Christopher  shows no emotion; he  always shows a straight face even when he is happy. They are all afraid of him; they know not to go against his rules. 

¨He is such a pain, the colonists have every reason to want to go to war with us, we give them no freedom. We put all those acts on them and taxed them like crazy. It was unfair. We were unfair, this is nobody's fault but ours. Now we have to risk our lives and fight a war that we basically caused,¨ Jacob whispered to his buddies next to him. 

No one agreed with the war, but they knew that they signed a treaty and agreed with fighting for the country no matter what. Britain was a beautiful country, the open green land filled with beautiful flowers and bright green grass. Dozens of bees and butterflies flying around the land. Nothing but beautiful  scenery to visit. The city was very pretty as well. With someone walking next to you down the street you could barely hear them, that's how loud it was. The country was too nice to be destroyed. Everyone knows that this will end up being a mistake and Chrisoher knows that the commander knows it as well; he just has to do his job. 

¨what are yall standing around laughing about, didn't I  tell yall to get to work!¨

They all scurried off and went to work. It was really hot outside. They all were training and getting ready for war. They had to memorize all the demands that the commander would call during the war such as ¨on the double¨ or ¨on the front line,¨  not knowing these commands might get someone killed.  Jacob had been really stressed lately with training these soldiers. When they first got there the commander thought all of them were useless and they were too weak to be soldiers. Jacob had to mold them into the soldiers he wanted them to be. Some of these men grew up on the battlefield. Their dad were soldiers or commanders which made them always be around. Jacob was one of those boys. He grew up on the battlefield with his dad. He hated it when he was younger, the barns that they would sleep in would always smell like poop. It will always be raining and cloudy. There would never be a time when it was never muddy outside. Christopher swore he would never end up in the military but it was always his destiny.  He was destined to end up being a soldier and fight for his country. 

¨ first person to finish there chores and training wins, ¨ Donte yelled out 

¨ The only person who is sinning is me. I'm almost done, I finished my chores this morning. All I have to do is memorize commands and report to the commander,¨ Jacob said. 

Donte looked at Jacob and rolled his eyes. ¨ you're trying so hard. You always want the commander's approval and you always get it because of who your dad is. The commander only shows you respect because of your dad. If it wasn’t for him then you wouldn’t get the respect that you receive” Donte said. 

Jacob looked at Donte with a vicious look in his eyes. He knew everything Donte had said was true. But he didn’t want to admit it. Donte was known to be the bully around the base. Everyone knew not to get on his bad side, he knew everything about everyone. But Donte and Jacob  have been pals for a very long time. Donte also grew up on the battlefield, but his dad didn’t get any respect. Mainly because he was black. It wasn’t normal for black men and women to be in the military. When it happened they would get treated the worst. Donte and Jacob both growing up on the battlefield made them basically brothers. They did everything together, they grew up together. Jacob knew not to take what Donte said seriously. He knew not to show Donte the weak side of him. 

“ Mate Listen, the commander doesn’t just respect me because of who my dad is, he respects me because what I say is nothing but facts. I’m also never just always playing around. I get stuff done and make sure everything is straight. He respects me because of that, not just my dad,"Jacob said. 

“Yeah okay,” Donte said with a chuckle.  

Everyone was nervous about this war. They have been preparing for this war but they weren't  ready. Everyone knew that fighting in this war was a bad idea. 


The day before everything:

¨ Tomorrow is the day we all have been preparing for. You guys have trained hard for this and we will beat the colonists and take back what they have stolen from us. They think that they can get away with being stubborn and disobedient, but they have no idea what is coming for them. We have more than one plan actually. It all fails, we will just fight to the death. Everyone should know this by now, yall know yall positions and yall know when to stand down and when to stop. Y'all know the commands that are going to be called during the war.  This might be scary for most of y'all  because some of you guys have never fought in a war before but just remember you guys are doing a duty and honoring our country,¨ The commander said. 

One thing the British commander was right about was saying that they were scared. This was the most terrifying event of their lives. Half the soldiers will take a ship to the Americas and half of them will stay back preparing for the war. If they need more troops out there in the Americas then the people who stayed behind will take a ship over there. This was the best plan the commander had come up with. If these plans fail then all of the soldiers will fight down there. 

¨ I want everyone to go home and spend some time with your family.say you goodbyes,¨ the commander said. 

Some of them didn't leave because some of them had no one to go back home to. They joined because this was their last hope. The people on the battlefield were their family. These were the people that helped them through a lot. 

It was getting dark, it was almost time to turn the lights out and go to sleep. 

The Ship:

¨ sea sick mate?¨ Donte asked.

Jacob was sitting there with his head down and him holding his stomach. His face began to get pale and he started to sweat. The noise from the ocean wasn't making him feel any better. The loud waves swooshing onto the ship and the smell of the food they brought with them was starting to have a smell. 

¨UGHH how much longer do we have until we hit the shore. I'm going to puke out those tuna sandwiches we ate for dinner,¨ Jacob said. 

¨We aren't going to make it to shore until later tonight. You know the commander said that moving in at night time was the best time to fire. They won't see it coming and that's the way we will win the war,¨ Donte said while eating some tomatoes.

The waves were starting to get worse, the clouds were getting darker.  The smell of the rain coming in made Jacob feel nothing but worse. 

¨ There is about to be a storm, everyone takes shelter and makes sure the food is stored up correctly and nothing will spill out. Someone helps Jacob to a bed and grab a bin just in case he pukes. This storm might push us back so we might not make it to shore later than we were hoping. But the later the better we can sneak in easier,¨ the commander said.

¨Its okay buddy let it all out. You're going to feel so much better when you are done¨  Donte said while rubbing Jacob's back. 

Fight for the death:

¨come on, stay quiet. There are two people right here I can take both of them down, " Donte said. 

He took them down with his silent pistol and they continued to follow one another. There were tints and lights hanging around them. The lights were shut off but some tint lights were still on. It was about 3 in the morning. They  went with the snipers  and the rest of the group broke up. Every group had their own leader, Donte was the leader of the 1st group. They had their own coordinates to knock out. 

¨Hey i see a tavern over there can i get a couple of guys to follow behind me over there,¨ Jacob said. 

They followed him towards the tavern but shots were fired. The American snipers were sniping them from across the hill. They ran as fast as they could. They died and covered and tried to find something to hide behind.

¨EVERYONE GET DOWN NOW” Jacob yelled. 

¨On the count of 3 we are going to Run over there. When you are running, run in a ducking position, and don't run in a straight line. Run zig zag it will make it harder for them to target you.  1.. 2… 3…!¨Jacob shouted. 

They all made it behind the building still ducking for cover. They knew where the bullets were coming from but they didn't know how many snipers were out targeting them. There were three other guys following Jacob. 

Okay here's the plan, I need two people to guard out front and one person to guard outback. I will go in there and check to see if anyone is inside of there. Wait for me to call the code word to come in. If anyone comes your way and finishes them with your silent pistol you don't want to cause an even more commission than what we already did. 

Jacob went inside from the back door. He slowly creeped in. He made sure his gun was reloaded before he went further inside. He had his back against the wall and his gun pointed up with his finger on the trigger waiting to use it. He slowly stepped one foot in front of the other inside the tavern. 


The lights were still on but the chairs were set up on the table. It looks like the place was closed but they just closed. 

¨ Is anyone here?¨ Jacob shouted 

¨Hey we are clo-¨ A lady said walking out from the back. 

She couldn't get her words out because she didn't recognize the dude that walked in. she froze. 

¨ I'm sorry who are you? Where did you come from? Why are you here?¨
Jacob couldn't get his words out. This girl was the most beautiful women he has ever seen in his life. She had nice dark brown hair that moved with the air. Her lips were super pink, and her eyes were as blue as the waves in the ocean. She was perfect. 

¨im- im- My name is jacob, I am from the british army¨

¨Are we being under attack?¨ the lady said 

¨Umm yes. ¨

¨ Well I shouldn't be talking to you right now, we should be fighting because I am one of the colonists that signed a treaty to protect America no matter what,¨ the lady said. 

The lady couldnt stop looking at Jacob. She was falling in love the more she stared at him in his eyes. Their souls connected right away, you felt the tension in the room. They couldn't leave each other. 

¨Hey my men is out there, if they come in and see you they will shoot and kill ou or even worse they will ake you and torture you. You have to get out of here now!¨ Jacob said.

Okay, but will I ever see you again? Do you think we will see each other again?¨ She asked 

Yes, we have to! I need to know your name and the next time we see each other I'm going to figure out your name.  Come back here tonight at 10pm. Now hurry and get out of here before someone sees you and kills you,¨ Jacob said while looking into her eyes. 

The lady ran to the back and climbed out the window. Running far away from jacob.

¨All Clear you guys can come in,¨ Jacob said. 

¨YES! Food, I am starving. I haven't eaten since we got off the ship.¨ One of Jacob's men said while biting into an apple. 

¨How dumb could these colonists be? They haven't pushed us over yet we have taken out so many of their guys. Something is not right, they're not that dumb. There is something we are missing, or they are plotting something¨ Jacob said while pacing around the tavern 

¨Where are our snipers?? When they are seeing us our snipers should've seen them before they can even start shooting. They must've taken our snipers out. They know we are here. They are plotting something. And that something is big. We have to be prepared for this. I have to let the commander know. ¨

The commander was with group number two they took the coordinates where the colonists leader would be. They needed to take the leader out before anything. Jacob and his crew caught back u with donte. He told him what the colonists were planning on doing.  

That makes sense, have you told the commander yet?¨
¨No I was on my way to him right now but I bumped into you first. We should all just be together as a group. 

As they were walking they ran into a group of colonists with shot guns and swords on them. It was more colonsits than them. They were outnumbered and they had no idea what to do. 

¨Drop your weapons now or we are going to take you all out. ¨

Jacob slowly grabbed a smoke bomb from his pocket. He held it in his slowly trying to pull the trigger off of it. He got it off and hurried and threw it.

¨RUN!¨ Jacob yelled. 

Everyone ran, and shots were fired. Smoke was everywhere and you couldn't see anything. The smell of the gas was entering the lungs from both parties. Bullets were flying everywhere and everyone was trying their best to not get shot. 

¨Everyone take cover¨ 

They took cover and tried their best to fight the other side. They knocked one guy down but there were so many of them. One of the snipers from the other hill couldn't get a clear view of what was on the other team. He shot someone and he hoped it wasn't his own men. 

¨everyone run!¨ donte yelled

There was a bomb. They all split up and ran. Jacob and to the nearest house he could find. No one was in there. He reloaded his gun. Before he went back outside he was in extreme pain. He looked down and saw that he was bleeding really bad. Someone from the other side cut him with the sword. It was a very deep cut. He sat down and took his backpack off his body. He reached inside and grabbed the gauze, tape, and wound cleaning liquid out of his backpack. He slowly put the liquid on the wound and gauzed it up. He stood up and went back outside. He sees the colonists marching from the other side of the hill. He quickly tries to find the rest of his crew. He found them lying there on the ground. They were dead. He didn't see Donte, he had hope that he was still alive. He went back towards the ships and found his people. Everyone was there. 

¨ The rest of the crew back home already knows to come. They were smarter than us, they already killed most of our men they were prepared to kill. This is it, I need the best hitters in the first line. We will march up to them and meet them in the middle. Snipers will stay on the other side of the hill taking over and staying hidden,¨the commander said. 

They marched  to meet up with the colonists. They fired. Everyone ran towards each other with shot guns and swords. They fought for the death of them. Jacob stayed in  the back trying not to die. He wanted to know that girl's name before he died. 

Hours passed by, and it was almost time for Jacob to meet the girl at the tavern. He discreetly ran away from the fighting and ran as fast as he could to the place. Donte saw him running away. Jacob made it and waited on her. He hoped that she wasn't dead; he hoped that he could get her name. The door opened and Jacob lifted his head up. It was her. 

¨You came. I didn't think you would show¨
¨ My name is Delilah, and of course i showed. I wanted to see you again,¨ she said 

They laughed and shared personal things about each other. 10 minutes went by but it felt like they were sitting there for only 10 seconds. Time was going fast. 

¨Do you think this is love at first sight¨jacob asked 

Deliluh opened her mouth but before she could answer the door flew open. The british commander and donte walk in. 

¨ Grab them both and lock them up i'll deal with them later¨

Works Cited

Revolutionary War - Timeline, Facts & Battles | HISTORY, 29 October 2009, Accessed 3 March 2024.

Wallace, Willard M. “American Revolution | Causes, Battles, Aftermath, & Facts.” Britannica, 17 February 2024, Accessed 3 March 2024.



 contributed to the tension and unrest among colonists that ultimately led to the American Revolution
 A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.
an establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold to be drunk on the premises

The author's comments:

In this piece its about 2 people who love each other but is fighting in the revolution on 2 different sides. 

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