The story of a soldier | Teen Ink

The story of a soldier

November 4, 2012
By Anonymous

The story of a soldier

The year was 1941, on the coast of California a young man at the age of 20, herd in the radio that Pear Harbor was bombed by Japans Air Force. That day the young man named John Williams was down hearted. He wanted America to win the war against Japan and Germany. When President Roosevelt declared war against Japan and Germany, John sign up to the United States Marine Corps. He thought that now he would be able to fight and win the war.

His day's in Basic training were hard. His drill sergeant made him and the unit do push up's, pull up's, and run 20 miles a day. John graduated from basic training in 1942. Finally he would be able to defend America from Japan and Germany.When the marines deployed him to Great Britain, he was massively ready for war. America and British forces were planing on an invasion off the coast of France, were Germans would be waiting for them.John was very nerves when they told him that he was going to war the very next day. He was just 21 years old.

The next day before the invasion the U.S Navy send to fill there belly's with a big and good breakfast. John just ate a apple because he knew if he ate a lot, he would get sea sick. As American troop's prepared to invade Germany, the sky was cloudy just like if it was about to rain. As the soldiers got closer to the coast of France, German infantry started landing on boats, making them explode. John saw how the body's of those men were exploding, making gut's and brain mass fly and drop into the sea.

At this point every one inside the boat that John was in, where sea sea sick, John was just shaking of how nerves he was. He told a guy that was next to him "If I die I die defending my country". A guy in the boat announced "30 seconds until we hit land". At this moment machine gun's that were attached to the boat, started to fire.

When the boat's hit land,the big front door from the boat opened wide open. All John said was "this is it". The door opened and German machine gun's started firing. Germany had the fastest machine gun's in the world. The machine gun's bullet went so fast that the soldiers that were in front of John were cut in half. John made a decision on jumping from the side if the boat. Many soldiers did the same as John, but they drowned into the sea, due to there heavy equipment. John was a very fit guy, so he made it to the beach, just with his rifle and ammo.

The beach was about 5 football field's long with land mines and a rain of bullets and infantry. John got cover and saw a man running for his life until a bomb exploded near him, and the bomb shell cut his face. Another guy was hit by infantry and saw how all his body parts were spread around the beach. "America will lever lose" said John. John then got full of anger and got the American flag, that was attached to the boat, and rushed with it all the way to the German bunker. John looked so epic when he was sprinting toads the bunker, because infantry hit around him and bullets missed his body. John stopped and waved the flag above a sand hill.

His appearance on the top of the hill was so heroic, that all the soldiers that were in the beach massively rushed with John to the bunkers. When the soldiers got to the bunkers they shot and also fought the Germans roughly with their fist's. That day was a great turning point for America. America would later on set up bases around the beach, and roughly push the Germans back toads there capital Berlin. John later on would fight against Japan making them also retreat to one of there city's called Hiroshima.

At the end America would drop the first atomic bomb in history, making Japan surrender to america and putting an end to world war 2.

The author's comments:
You are WARNED, my story contains graphic scenes. Other than that enjoy the story. :)

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