Marie Antoinette | Teen Ink

Marie Antoinette

January 26, 2013
By lvinton BRONZE, Whitman, Nebraska
lvinton BRONZE, Whitman, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
That voice inside your head that says you can't do it is a liar.

October 16,1973
This is the end, Just two days ago I face the revolutionary Trial and was found guilty. The execution date was set to this day. After months of solitude in this dirty, rancid, dark prison cell, I was finally awoken in the middle of the night and forced to face my fate. I fear the judges have let their hatred cloud their judgement, and have attacked me as a person instead of as the Queen. THe worst accusation was that I, Queen Marie Antoinette, had abused my own son. To this my only reply was, "if I make no reply, it is because I cannot, i appeal to all the mothers in the audience."
After years of having the most fashionable dresses, the most expensive hairpieces, I am now forced to dress like a common peasant. My clothing, instead of luscious silk, is now rough homespun wool. My hair is the only reminder of my time as Queen, and I believe they will chop it off as well. Perhaps I should be happy that my miserable life is coming to a close.
After seeing my husband, my dear friend Madame Lamballe, and countless others being led to death, I am now resigned to my fate. My only consolation is that my children will survive. I can hear them coming down the corridor now with their heavy, steel-toed boots and armor, come to lead me to the guillotine. As the unlock my door I breathe a prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and stand to face my enemies. My time on Earth has come to a close.

Marie Antionette

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