The Incredible Journey | Teen Ink

The Incredible Journey

June 11, 2013
By chelsea_xoxo117 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
chelsea_xoxo117 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Best friends are the definition of Jake and Brooke. Ever since they were born, they have been best friends. They always have each other's back in both good and bad times. They would sacrifice the world for each other. That is what made their relationship so strong and everlasting. Because they were given a science project for school, Jake decided it would be best to look for materials they could use in the junk yard across the street from his house.

“Brooke! Look what I found!” screams Jake from the other side of the junkyard. Brooke hurries over to him, one of her cronies, to peek at his amazing discovery. Standing in front of them is an object very peculiar. It is about six feet tall. It looks like a phone booth but with different objects inside. On top, there is a sign that read, Franks Time Machine! The sign is labeled to be very intriguing to the human eye. Brooke and Jake study the questionable object tempted to step inside.

Being the dare devil he is, Jake opens the door and steps inside. “Jake, what are you doing?” asks Brooke reluctantly following him. “Might as well see what this thing is from the inside!” hollers Jake. Upon entering, he immediately starts to touch and analyze some of the random equipment. "Jake! That is not safe! You do not know what your touching," states Brooke. "Brooke, it is just an old machine. I am just examining it," Jake announces as he continues to poke and prod. He then came across an unusual button that was different compared to the others. All of the others were small and shaped like ovals. This button was circular and red like an apple. Jake stares at it and then looks up at Brooke. Knowing exactly what he was thinking, Brooke grabs his hand. "Jake please don’t do it. You have no idea what this thing is capable of!" Brooke gave him an eloquent look. "Please Brooke, nothing is going to happen. It is just an old machine," Brooke slowly released Jake's hand as he moved it towards the button. Finally, he gave into the temptation and presses it. The machine starts to vibrate rapidly with lots of boisterous sounds blaring. It is tormenting to both Jake and Brooke. Brooke grabs Jake and screams as loud as she could. The result was a huge flash of light followed by immediate darkness.

Unsure whether they were conscious or not, Brooke and Jake were awed by the bizarre environment that flooded their every line of sight. The world in front of them was strangely odd. Compared to present day New Jersey, it seemed as if they were in a whole different time period. They seemed to as if be in a small town filled with many families and friends. Women walked around in dresses, blouses, and garments. “I am taking the horseless carriage!” screamed a little toddler to his mom. Both Jake and Brooke stood their in awe. Finally they realized what had actually happened to them. “Brooke… this time machine actually works,” muttered Jake. Unable to speak, Brooke began to traipse and explore the new world in front of them. They finally realized they had been transported back over a century. Vague recollections from their history books jogged their memoires- it was the turn of the century.

Brooke and Jake started to walk around the small and friendly city when they come across a group of children. A little boy and girl ran up from behind and grabbed Jake and Brooke’s hands. They laughed and giggled as they brought them into their home which was next door. Their personalities invigorated the room. “Hi what’s your name?” asks the little blonde boy. “My name is Brooke, and this is Jake,” Brooke responded politely. “My name is Mary, and this is my brother John,” screeched Mary. “Can you play with us?” whimpered John. “Oh course we will,” laughed Brooke casting herself towards Mary.

Mary and John led Jake and Brooke into their family room. They did not have many friends, so randomly talking to Brooke and Jake was very normal in their town and way of living. Because of wanting to explore this new century, Jake and Brooke agreed to stay for a few more days to see what it was like. As they entered the small empty room, they noticed how different it was compared to theirs. It was as if everything had banished. In the room was a table, piano, radio, and small trinkets. Jake and Brooke were puzzled that there were no electronics or electricity to be found anywhere in the house. “What do you guys like to do?” questioned Jake not knowing what they would do in such an empty, pristine, and ethereal home. “It all depends. Sometimes we play the piano and sing, other times we play cards and table games, or we just simply read the Bible,” bragged Mary. “So you don’t have like a TV, or cell phone, or computer?” Jake caustically asked. “You bonehead !” hollered John. “What is that? There is no such thing as a computer you bunk !” berated John agitated at Jake. John's voice became high pitched and cracked instantly. His vein on the side of his neck stuck out in fury as he began to turn red. He was astonished that Jake was talking about objects that did not even exist in their century. By his reaction, it was obvious and clear that he was steaming with anger.

Brooke and Jake finally decided to play cards with Mary and John. “So who are your parents?” Brooke asked as she put her queen of spades along the table(winning the game). John began to speak, “My mama’s name is Margaret and my papa’s name is William. My mom is out right now. My dad used to be a waiter but he got fired. He kept taking too much time off to spend with Mary and I. As a result, his boss eventually let him go. For a while he did not have a job or money to support our family. But a few weeks ago, he found a job to work in a mine. If you want, he can take you there tomorrow,” answered John. “We would love to go,” announced Brooke.

After a few hours of playing cards, Margaret and William finally made their way home. They greet Jake and Brooke and offer to let them to stay the night. For dinner, they ate a pittance of biscuits and crackers. They tend to eat them every night because they did not have enough money to eat and buy anything else. The warm and soft dough of the biscuits danced on top of their tongues filling each and every taste bud. As Margaret, William, John, and Mary ate, Jake could notice the patrimony shared between them. Because they wanted to learn more, Jake and Brooke asked the generous family for background information during their century. They learned about the Gold Standard Act , the Elkins Act , many pop-cultures and artists such as Samuel Cashwan. Also, information about the president Theodore Roosevelt, and prime minister Marquess of Salsibury. Both Jake and Brooke were so fascinated about all of the different information they were given and could not wait to go with William to the mine.

Right before bed, the whole family, including Jake and Brooke, crowded around the piano, getting caught up in the moment. They sang an immense amount of songs. Smiles and laughter filled the air as they continued to sing. Brooke and Jake danced around the living room like five year olds on Christmas morning. Finally, it was time to go to bed. After a great nights sleep, Jake, Brooke, and William headed to the mine.

As soon as they got there, they were greeted by many of the workers. They were all very friendly and approachable. Two men, (William’s close friends) agreed to show them around the mine. Their names were James and Charles. They were shown all of the different tools, equipment, jobs, etc. It was soon time to leave. William helped Jake and Brooke out of the mine. “I will be right back, I have to go get my equipment,” stated William. Jake and Brooke waited for William as they discussed the great time they had had. Unfortunately, they had planned to go back home that night. They had school the next day and had to still finish their science project. The reason they ended up there in the first place.

Out of nowhere, the floor shook. There was an immense explosion coming from the mine. It caused Jake and Brooke to fall over and a huge amount of smoke to filled the air. Men were frantically running in every direction as they were tripping over broken rock all over the floor. Ring! Ring! Jake and Brooke's ears rang as they helped each other up. Both of them covered in smoke and dirt. "Where's William?" Brooke screamed. Jake slowly moved his head to face the mine hoping he was not inside.

Brooke's eyes began to water as a vehemence of emotion over took her. All she could think was William had died in the explosion. Her heart shattered in little pieces as she thought about having to tell little and innocent John and Mary about their father's death. Because they were the only source of help, Jake and Brooke bolted toward the eerie Mine, girding themselves for what was to come. Men that were running to safety were gouging Jake and Brooke out of the mine. Fortunately, that did not stop them. Smoke filled the air making it hard to see as they tripped over few bodies along the ground. They raced through the tunnels unable to find any source of life. When all seemed hopeless, Jake then spotted William cooped in the corner. In an instant, they ran over to him for help. For what seemed like an eternity, they had finally reached him. An immense rock had landed on his leg, breaking it severely. He was unable to move and speak. He was covered from head to toe with smoke and ashes. He had blood gushing from the top of his head where a rock had fallen and hit him. Brooke and Jake looked at him commiserate.

Brooke and Jake helped him out of the mine. They could not contact Margaret and the kids in a manner they were used to since telephones were not in regular use yet. They helped William into the house as Margaret and the kids came running in. "What in good heavens is going on?" she cried completely flabbergasted. Her face showed a lot of contrition. She began bawling as soon as she saw William. It amazed Jake how ingenuity Margaret was as she cleaned him up and wrapped up his leg. They did not have the medical supplies in homes like 2013. Brooke and Jake decided to leave them alone for a little while. They felt bad about the entire event so wanted to help and clean the mine.

As they approached the mine, James and Charles ran over to them and gave them big macho hugs. Brooke then began to tear up as well. "Thank god you guys are okay," she whispered. Jake told them that they wanted to help clean everything up and they readily accepted the assistance gratefully.

Many hours passed as the men, including Jake and Brooke, dug out the ruins of the collapsed mine. Every one pitched in trying to make it as back to normal as they could. It was a grueling task that took multiple hours. In no time the mine was looking much better, although it was still haltingly. The most important thing was that many people were not hurt of injured during the event.

Sadly, Brooke and Jake had to say goodbye to their new friends. They desperately tried to say their goodbyes without getting upset or teary eyed. They got an immense amount of thank you's and extols from all of the men. Although they had just met them all that morning, it seemed as if they were all family and connected together as one.

When Jake and Brooke entered the house, they were relieved to see that William was feeling better and talking again after the few hours after the explosion. They shared their last meal together with much appreciation. The clock was ticking and alarmed Jake and Brooke that it was time to leave. One at a time, they hugged everyone goodbye. Although it was only two days ago that they met, yet had felt they had known each other for a lifetime. They were so welcoming, loyal, and kind to them that they did not want to leave."Please come back soon," John pleaded. "Of course we will," promised Jake. They said their final goodbyes once more before they headed back to the time machine.

Brooke and Jake took one last glance at the 1900's savoring every memory they had had there. Then, they headed into the time machine. Brooke hugged Jake tightly. "Thank you," she whispered to him. "For what?" he asks curiously. "If it was not for you, we would have never ended up here," whispered Brooke. Jake smiled and kissed her forehead causing Brooke's cheeks to turn a rosey red. "Come on...let's go home."

The author's comments:
Jake and Brooke’s loyalty to their new friends as well as Margaret and William’s loyalty toward the kids are a very key point to this piece of writing. I related this loyalty to the novel Before We Were Free. The theme in Julia Alvarez’s book is loyalty. Anita and her family were very loyal to each other. Especially Anita’s father. He put his family before himself and risked his life in order to save them. In my piece, Brooke and Jake use their loyalty by risking their lives as well as entering the exploding mine to save William. All in all, the loyalty expressed in Before We Were Free, is equally similar to Jake and Brooke's loyalty throughout my piece.

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