Dream Or Reality | Teen Ink

Dream Or Reality

June 11, 2013
By Anonymous

As I walked down this rode I ask myself, what would the differences be from forty years ago look like? I analyze how pathetic our four decades of technology. But you don’t realize is that everyone should savor it, because that could be taken away at any time of day. Today we have devices that you only have to talk an action and it works. The closest thing to voice activation in the 1960s was dictatorship, all things controlled by one man. Even manual labor has more technology advances that make people revolve now. Advances skyrocket of the charts, and every minute it is only getting advanced. As time progresses you could only come to realize that we are advancing by the second. Change is invented able.
As I start in a simple a city of, never mind I take that back I start in a somewhat crazy town of NY. IN this fine city i was attending a cruise ship. This ship had a particular science convention on the boat One of the presentations was a big magnet. This magnet could pull any metal from an extremely long distance. It was like a free country buffet at an extreme weight loss convention. To tell you the truth I did not remember much about what happened but my only explanation was time travel. Yes, it did seem a little far-fetched but it was the only truly logical explanation for this events that where about to occur. Right before the magnet was about to start I saw a young girl about to fall over board. She was hanging on the railing of a cruise ship. I ran as fast as I could not looking at all what was occurring to go in front of me all that I was doing was running through people and yelling someone get that girl. BOOM? My vision goes black and a little brighter by the second. It felt like someone was blocking the sun with paper and every second some one was taking more and more paper away to make my sight more visible around me. I eventually felt like I was gaining more consciousness about where I am. It had familiarness. I came to the conclusion that this was the dock of the cruise ship that I ported at. Yes, the location looked familiar but the setting look very eerie. The clothing that people wore (bell bottoms) weren’t a fashion statement when I boarded the ship. I felt like I was in the 1960’s. My first thought was to ask the locals to see what was going on with all of this pecularness around me. If this wasn’t some convention for, my only other conclusion could be that I am clinically insane. The first man I met was a Caucasian man who appeared to be “stoned”. I first murmured “ hello sir why is everyone dressed like this.” “Like what the man complained,” “ like a hippie I complained.” “ What are you talking about, this is how I dress, what are you wearing kaki’s and a shirt with stripes… what, do you work in some big corporation or something he exclaimed.” With a mellow tone he proclaimed, “ Were in 1960’s what do you think this is how us peaceful people dress”. So I guess you could say that I am officially insane or maybe I timed traveled back to the future, which is impossible. Or not, I remember watching a clip at the convention previously before I appeared at where I am at about time travel. I did not look at it long but I remember it saying something about radioactivity. So guess that I’m now in the 1960s. After many days that I have spent in this dimension I was fascinated by all that is around me. Between how people get things done without any portable phones and instant messaging. And different styles of music. I do not remember it being this unorganized and lackadaisical. It is actually not that hard for adaption, I have picked up some of this English urban slang. To tell you the truth it is particularity easy for adaption in this time period. Us people in our present time period in the 2010s depend on our technology.
Back in the 2010s I had a bad track record for friends and I wasn’t very tenuous with them. Probably because I tell as it is, and as I came to realize people don’t like that. I would trinket with they're feelings like a lab rat and people don't appreciate that at all. I always thought that all of my previous friends were vehemence. But they weren't venial and they were very considerate to everything to everything that I would say. At first I thought that it was just they, but throughout time I came to realize that it was I. With all my previous friends the weird thing is that I didn't show any commiserate, I guess I'm a cold-hearted person.

In my journey it was part of my mission to go home. My first thoughts were to backtrack my steps from where I was. It was getting very late and I needed to find shelter. So jammed out of there. Sorry for my slang, it has caught on very quick. Its like I have a whole native tongue to terms that I used to use in my years in the 60’s.

The next day I was on my search to go back track my step. On my way I came to realize that I should become friends with a local so he may help me with my journey on returning home. I figured if someone would have to help me they would have to know the situation. I was off to find a time traveling scientist.

The first scientist I went to go find wasn’t, lets just say that he was off his rocker. At first glimpse he would have looked uneducated but his theories on time travel were brilliant. My first ideal was to approach him straight up but I might come off like I belong in a sanitarium. So I walked into his office after staring into his window for about thirty minutes on what to say. Company me a man, I muttered to everyone I could to try to fit in with the locals. There were many people in there. The weird thing is that some people that I saw there were very friendly they would brandish there hand to get my attention like they previously knew me, but they didn’t. To tell you the truth the place was awfully cooped. One person was a very talkative person so he swallowed and looked at me while casting a look and Uttered "you don’t fit in here at all you look like a fly in a milk bowl over here, where you from"? I did not have very good communication skills and as I presumed neither did he, but he tried allot harder to talk. I then approached him with a caution; I didn’t know how he was going to react to someone telling something that could change his life.
After I was finished telling him my tale about the cruise ship and the clothing he studied my voice. He responded in a very transcendent and in a dawdle way.
So I presume that it is official, were both cronies. But within this friendship I felt very macho like I was in control of everything. Although I didn't know him that well I foresaw that I was the stronger link in the friendship. After a while he came to realize different things while I was talking about my journey that seemed to have caught his attention. At the end of my telling, he stood up and replied, " I believe you but there are some ground rules and questions that I have". He discussed you cannot encounter with any other people, which will misconstrue life up drastically.
Later in days I came to analyze my thoughts and tried to gather the most information from my stupid thoughts, but know of it added up. It’s almost like I spent his time bawling, because of my pointless intelligence. The scientist was probably thinking what a joke of a person. His only thoughts are to send a man back to the future to get credit for time travel and hell put up with the idiot in the mean time (me). This is where my journey started. At a cruddy motel in California right outside some of the most beautiful hotels and shops in the world. To stay in a place like an am staying in, I had to have a strong volition. Or I would explode with utter berate on this accommodation. I feel extremely honored. In this hotel there were about a dozen rooms and cigarette ashes scattered all over the porch of the hotel rooms. If I were the mayor of this town I would close this place down immediately. I was so out of context to the rest of the world. I felt like gauging myself out of that time period and back into my present day.
So I stayed my distance, I kept my where about outside that eerie place. Every day life is extremely peculiar. People would do things in a totally different fashion then they did in present day. On of the biggest things that people don’t strike up while talking about the 1960s is the hippie’s era. People would pick anyone at any time no matter their criminal record or they’re background. Everyone had a lackadaisical attitude. It was extremely frustrating how people could finish they’re day without some sense of self-gain, or accomplishment. But the people that did work usually worked in some sort of factory or big corporation. Those people had some pride for work, you could almost say they were vehemence they had strong pride and had strong emotion on what hey did. In my opinion these working class people had some sort of social group that there were in the time, For example the hippies they believed in peace, so they wanted any sort of violence to be resolved with peace. And what was the only major violence that was going on at the time. The Vietnamese war. Like always, they wanted to send their troops home. Another major social group was the Black Panther society. The black panthers were subversive. They believed in sending home they’re black soldiers from the war because they fight for a country who wanted to take out they’re people for 100s of years. This social group has been very dynastic and consistent. In the 2010's the Black Panther club has been stemmed of to high schools. In my opinion
Most social groups where very eloquently because of their symbolization and there group accomplishments. These people where very… martyr. But everything that was going on around them was irrelevant to them It’s like they had tunnel vision, having someone’s mind set on one particular goal and very dementia did not absorb well around to cold hard facts. In my opinion, these people needed, by these people [I’m referring to the black panthers and the hippies] need a splash of reality. They were way to dynastic.

In the past, I did not know if time was going by quicker or slower while I wasn’t in that time period. But, I would presume that. Once I have figured out information on the time period that I am present in, I should resume my duties to get back to present day.
I first consulted with my intelligent friend to see how he was doing and his progress. The weird thing is, time seems to be going extremely quick in the 60's. I don’t know, maybe it was just the no working motive that made the day so short. So that night I went to bed, and dreamed about my events that happened the day I time traveled from the 1960's. Ah!!! I woke up with drool coming from the side of my moth and an ideal on how I got hear. The actually reasoning is that I didn’t come hear. I am dreaming, and this is all made up in my head from movies. All the characters were either made up or actors from movies. When I was on the cruise ship I was running through everyone and everyone was yelling at me to stop, stop because the magnet was deployed and it hit me in the head, and I got knocked out cold. I told my friend and realized the only way to escape a dream is to do some thing that would get you killed in reality. So there you have it, I was off to kill myself, when I said good-bye, I must admit that it was very emotional when I left because of our journey but I had to have a strong transcendence or else I might look weak. But for this special occasion I let my emotional morale spill out. But I wasn’t finished with my journey. I still had an objective and it was getting home to present day.
Now that I have gathered much insight it was time to get serious with my return home. All I know is that I transported into the future ominously almost like a posthumous. But I had to be ingenuity on what I had.
In the end my figment of my imagination wasn’t a big help, but at least he is now my favorite actor in reality.

The author's comments:
Television and time travel inspired me to write this piece.

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