The Last Letter | Teen Ink

The Last Letter

February 3, 2014
By Anonymous

On July 24, 1897 in Kansas Atchison, a baby girl was born. She was not interested in airplanes until she was 10 years old. When she was only 41 years old she was asked to fly across the Pacific Ocean. That was her last flight she had.
Dear George,

I’m writing this letter to you my dear love because I have a strange feeling about this flight across the Pacific Ocean. I am also writing this letter to you because it feels like this is the last thing I am ever going to give you. It feels so right to do it, but I also have a worried feeling about this. I have not told anyone about how I feel about this. Fred is the one who is feeling excited about this. You can not really tell but he is. If anything goes wrong don’t worry. Remember when we first met? I was shy at first but then I got the chance to really get to know you and i felt comfortable with you. I'm a tough girl but on the inside I am frightened. I have done this many times before and been to many different places. I know I am strong and lots of women look up to me. I have set 5 new records and set 3 records. All in which you gave me the courage to do. I broke the record for women’s altitude record of 14,000 feet, set the women's speed record for 100 kilometers with no load and with a load of 500 kilograms, I set the record for 181.18 mph over a 3k course, set the woman’s autogiro altitude record with 18,415, first woman to fly non-stop coast to coast. But my biggest achievement was to fly across the Atlantic Ocean by my self. It was nerve wrecking like what if I was not going to make it across or make it back home? But all was worth it at the end. I have been especially chosen to do this with Fred. I was never impressed with flying when I was 10. But then it was not until I went to a stunt-flying exhibit. and then almost a decade later I became interested in flying. And I especially became more interested into flying when a pilot flew right by me and my friend (I forgot her name, I think it was Maggie or Sadie). I wonder what will happen tomorrow when I fly across the Pacific Ocean. When i’m flying I feel like nothing can stop me and I feel on top of everyone else. I feel free, but right now it feels like a total different feeling. I hope to see you again after.
I love you.
Amelia Earhart

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