Jackie Robinson: A life changer | Teen Ink

Jackie Robinson: A life changer

February 3, 2014
By Anonymous

Jack Roosevelt “Jackie” Robinson was the first African- American to break the “color line” by playing for the Major Leagues which was for whites only back then, in 1947. Before he even started the Major Leagues he went to the “Negro League” which was for blacks only. Around that time Branch Rickey (his manager now) was scouting him. He then decided that Jackie Robinson should play for the Brooklyn Dodgers, but there was one thing that was holding them back: it was the color line. At first Jackie Robinson was practicing with his new team then Robinson and Rickey took a huge step.

April 15, 1947
Today was the first day I reached dirt in the batter's box in a Major League game against the Boston Braves. I played first base, my at bats didn’t go so good I was zero for three. I was really nervous because there was more than 25,000 spectators watching my game as I got harassed by fans and players in Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York. I was really quiet even though all the umpires would make horrible calls as I batted and ran the bases. I didn’t want to argue, what if they would of arrested me. My career would of been over before it started.

One month later…
My skills were becoming better but people didn’t seem to care, all they cared about was what color I was. I took a lot of harassment I wanted to say something but unfortunately I am still afraid of what is going to happen if I do. I had the help of my teammates to play with me instead of harassing me like the players we played against. Some players didn’t even want to shake my hand after every game we played. Some of my harassment was so bad that I didn’t want to play another game.

One year later…
I’m no longer quiet anymore, I stand up for what I believe in. Even though people tried to bring me down I stood up and came back ten times harder. I speak for the civil rights color line now. I want people to be equal and not go through the pain and suffer I went through. I reached the Hall of Fame and won M.V.P. ( most valuable player). I am going to speak about this all my life until this changes the world. For me I say I am a hero and I am proud I achieved.

Sincerely, Jackie Robinson

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