Historcal Narrative of Frederick Douglass | Teen Ink

Historcal Narrative of Frederick Douglass

February 3, 2014
By Astrid2022 BRONZE, Watsonville, California
Astrid2022 BRONZE, Watsonville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Historical Narrative
On February 1818 Frederick Douglass was born a slave on the plantation of Colonel Edward Lloyd. He was moved to the city to work for Hugh Auld when he was about 7 years old and he was at a better place there and when he was 15 he was moved back where staved again. There he was never wiped again after he got tired of all of it and he wiped the man that was wiping him. Then he escaped from the plantation.

I remember a long time ago when I was five years old I was working I thought to myself “why am I doing all the work I remember that day I saw my first wiping I wandered around at sunset and I sat down on a large rock holding a long piece of hay when a shriek made me jump then I heard a hard hit and a scream. I then walked around and peeked through a door and there was a man with large scars all over his back it was as if a large animal with large claws had attacked him as he turned to the door I moved so that he wouldn't see me but I think he got a glimpse of me. I left to my sleeping area and I couldn't sleep all night. About two years later I was put into a ship after many hours that felt like days. I was awakened by the sound of many people . When I was out of the ship I was put to work everything was better there than at the plantation. I had more food than over there and I didn't starve as much years past about 8 of them when I was moved again to the plantation it was awful I could feel how my stomach growled of hunger and the floor was even harder than I remembered everyone was harsh and whippings of children, women, and men were going on all the time. One day I accidentally dropped a glass and it shattered when I looked up a man with a long whip was stumbling towards me I could see anger and frustration in his face. He grabbed me by the arm and took me into a little building then I felt a pain that hurt like a million bees had stung me all in the same place as I screamed i felt this again and again and again when it was over I felt even worse my back looked bright red. I could barely walk I trudged over to my sleeping area and fell asleep. The next day my whole back was sore and swollen I barely had enough strength to pick myself up. I was still put to work every step I took was like if I were wiped again. while I was working I decided to take a break the a man walked up to me and said “get to work you nasty slave” “I'm tired and I need a break” I said “you don't need a break” he said “you werent meant to live now get to work” I stood up and said “ I'm tired and I am going to take a break” he grabbed me and I knew where I was going I resisted but more men came they took me to to the small building and then the other men left. The other man stayed behind an wiped me once and thats when I grabbed the whip and started hitting the man he started screaming a yelling but I was so angry at him that I didn't stop until my hand hurt I ran out and since that day I wasn't wiped and I was also determined to escape I was tired of spending my life working for these cruel people I started by disguising myself like a sailor with the red shirt, a tarpaulin hat, and a black scarf tied loosely around my neck to get on the train. I also had to talk like a sailor a luckily I knew quite a bit about it. I also needed what was called free papers this was a document saying that I was free and could travel and I needed my ticket but Because I was a runaway slave, I didn't have free papers. Instead, I had borrowed what was called a Seaman's Protection Certificate, which said that I was sailor and citizen of the U.S. my palms were so sweaty and I tried to wipe it on my shirt then the conductor came up to me and said “ "I suppose you have your free papers?" I looked at him and said "No sir; I never carry my free papers to sea with me."
he looked at me and said "But you have something to show that you are a freeman, haven't you?" as I was taking the papers out I said "Yes, sir, I have a paper with the American eagle on it, and that will carry me around the world." he glanced at it and he went on to the other passengers it was one of the most nervewreck moments in my life as I sat down I couldn't help it think what would have happened if the conductor would have looked closer at the paper and seen that I did not match the description,but I was happy it was over. I was finally heading north for a better life.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this is that this person stood up for what he thought was right and he keeps his head held high even after all the horrible things he has been through and i hope more people can be like this great man.

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