Just go for it! | Teen Ink

Just go for it!

March 17, 2014
By nyzhe gatlin BRONZE, L.i.c Queens, New York
nyzhe gatlin BRONZE, L.i.c Queens, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

So far I've seen some historical sites, cuties and the "underground". We were sitting in this Italian spot "Bella Italia" with Nyasia, Nashely and Yennifer. I can hear the London/Spain waiters taking costumers orders as wacky jazz music play in the background. The restaurant was very small that had a modern/old look to it.

I am soooooooo BORED! I can't text or nothing and it's killing me, I feel like I am in detention or something ????

"Are you girls ready to order?"

The lady comes to take our oder but all we could do is order our drinks because we had no clue what anything taste like. Through my right ear I can hear Nashely and Yeniffer ordering .

My head was spinning as my eyes quickly scan the menu over and over again. " I'll come back for you two orders." The lady left. I could not help but notice this old man eating some noodle thing; it looked extremely good.

His plate was white with log noodles, pinkish bits that happens to be bacon bits and some creamy sauce with cut green leaves over it too make it look pretty. That old man was killing that food. He was using the fork and butter knife as he ate his food. My mouth starts watering, I have a taste for that! Too shy to ask the old man what was it that he is eating Nashely asked the lady what he is eating and she ordered it for me as well.

The lady came with my plate :) as she went to set the plate in front of me I saw a smoke trail following the plate behind it like a train. My mouth began to water even more. My plate looked like the old mans but better *.^ I took out my phone to take a photo of it. Hash tag memories.

I picked up the fork and started to dig in. One mistake I did when taking my first bite was rush. I was so eager to taste this plate that I have forgot to blow the food before I put it in my mouth and I just burnt the hell out of my tongue. Never mind that; the pasta was very creamy with a hit of butter. When you put everything in your mouth the bacon enhances and balances all ingredients. This plate was delicious and very ethnic. Just go for it. As a traveler it is very important to be audacious you've got to be willing to try new things even if there is a 50/50 chance you may not like what you've revived or that you may enjoy it.

The author's comments:
This piece was written from my first experience in Europe.

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