Maniac Magee | Teen Ink

Maniac Magee

May 8, 2014
By michaelshannon BRONZE, Cincinnati,OH, Ohio
michaelshannon BRONZE, Cincinnati,OH, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Friends are like potatoes, if you eat them they are with forever."

Imagine being 13 years of age, and running for a better life. Maniac could run, as a little energetic ball of fun. There are only two places that he knew of, the whites and the blacks. This was a time of segregation, and his neighborhood was. He only knew of the white side, not the blacks side. His parents did NOT want him near that place. So in order to find out what it was, Maniac ran away. He saw how they lived, no different than us. When he found this out, he kept on wondering why does this happen?

I’m not gonna summarize what like you said, I'M NOT!! This is probably the best story that I have read. No more of the dystopia stuff cause thats getting old if you know what I mean. This is just a plain, amazing, historical fiction to read. But no back to what they they were saying about the black people

They are just like us, yet they’re treated like the devil? The rest is Maniacs adventure to find himself, and the world. I thought that this book was amazing. I mean, it got the newbery award! I have attention issues, and can really stay on one thing at a time. But this book reeled me in from start to finish. A good read and you should check it out sometime. Maniac Magee, By Jerry Spinelli.

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