Fascination with power | Teen Ink

Fascination with power

October 30, 2014
By Benjamin97 BRONZE, Beals, Maine
Benjamin97 BRONZE, Beals, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since I could walk I have been in love with anything with power. When I was about two mom would bring me over to my uncle punk’s garage. Working on motors has been one of my favorite things to do also. My uncle has had me into Harley Davidsons for as long as I can remember. I would love the noise and the raw power they would put out, and the chrome that would shine in the sun. On every birthday and Christmas he would get me something to do with Harleys. He always had Harley Davidsons and still does today. I remember going out back of the garage and see old Harley parts. There is a back room in the garage that motor parts and the occasional Chevy big block motor would hang out, but of course they wouldn’t have anything but a Chevy motor. They are dead set against anything else. Which I can’t blame them they are a durable tough motor, but I also like dodge not as well but they are my second favorite motor out there. I could go out there for hours and stare at the motors and there sheer mass, they would always have them dressed up with chrome and red spark plug wires. But of course I was a little older when I would wander around the shop and look at all the motor parts I learned a lot from just asking questions and listening to them talk about different parts of the motor and what tools to use on that particular part on the vehicle. Even as a ten year old kid I would pound the black coffee to me, after all I was two when I had my first taste of black coffee.
I always said to mom and dad I will have a Harley Davidson when I get older. When I was around ten or twelve years old I was at one of my uncles lobster boat races. His boat was really fast. It also had a huge really expensive 505 cubic inch motor in it, which is a very big motor considering that the biggest gas motor they make is a six hundred and thirty two inch Merlin. It would do in the sixty miles per hour range. He started off his race great but the other boat he was racing cut into his path and threw him overboard. He was immediately rushed to the hospital. That was an end to a good vacation.
I have also had a love for loud old cars. They always made me happy to see them on the road. One of my favorite’s world have to be the chevelle. My grandfather would have to be the person I would talk to if I had a question about an old car. He has had over 60 cars in his life time. I love to hear stories about him when he was in the navy and he had his 1966 super sport chevelle. He would tell me about all the street races that he was in back in the military days as he would call it. He would always blow them away of course. He said he was racing on the Addison stretch he twisted the speedometer of his car. His speedometer was registered for one hundred and sixty miles per hour. But the best part was when he

got home and went in the house he was eating when he and my grandmother heard a loud explosive noise and they went out and saw that the tires got so hot that they blew off the back of the car.
Another reason I got to love power so much is when I bought my fist Harley Davidson it was loud but didn’t run all that great but it made me think about how they use to make thing back in the day with nothing but raw steel. That’s why I bought a second Harley that actually ran really good it was made in 1979 so it is made of mostly steel. That is the reason I grew so fascinate

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