The Stock Market Crash | Teen Ink

The Stock Market Crash

December 6, 2014
By GabbyGoumas BRONZE, Bedford, New Hampshire
GabbyGoumas BRONZE, Bedford, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

October 29, 1929
                                                The Stock Market Crash
Morning rush hour was the most hectic time of day for New Yorkers. Bright yellow taxis invaded the city, dropping off and picking people up. Everyone was in a hurry, desperately trying to arrive at work on time. Lines of people impatiently waited outside coffee shops to get their daily morning fix.
The business man stepped out of the limousine in fashion with his jet black hair slicked back and a pair of polished brown leather shoes on. He carried a black leather briefcase and his expensive apparell gave him the appearance of being a wealthy upper class man. His face appeared to be groomed and clean without a blemish in sight. His strong, defined jawline gave the impression that he was a powerful, assertive man, someone capable of being in control. The crease between his eyebrows gave him a very concentrated, alert look. As he hurried down the crowded streets of Lower Manhattan, many strangers gazed at him with eyes full of wonder. Some people looked at him with criticism, with envy of his wealth and appearance. He obsessively kept eying his steel rolex watch every minute or so, hoping that he would make it on time to work. Just like any day, it was an important day for the company. His employees would be dialing up millions of people, persuading them to invest in stocks. When the man arrived at his building, he ran his fingers through his gelled back hair and quickly adjusted his suit and tie before entering. The skyscraper stretched all the way up, beyond the clouds and into space. The building read in bolded letters, New York Mercantile Stock Exchange.
Later that day, dark clouds casted over the sky, eliminating any visible sunlight. The sun didn’t shine so bright for America anymore. The skies of America’s near future began to darken into a state of despair. Today was the day the storm hit. Today was the day America’s economy came pouring down on them, like bursts of rain from a storm cloud. Today was rush hour times one million. Today was the day Americans’ success slipped from grasp, into the irresponsible hands of the bank. Today was one of the most memorable days in America’s history, the day of the Stock Market Crash, October 29, 1929.

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