Adolf Hitler - Painter of the century | Teen Ink

Adolf Hitler - Painter of the century

December 9, 2015
By Sanyogita_Nehra BRONZE, Sirsa, Other
Sanyogita_Nehra BRONZE, Sirsa, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Enjoy every second because you don't know when this life will come to an end .

“Sir please give me one more chance. I know I can do better. Please sir. Just a single chance.”  He was pleading .“Ok, but if you don’t do well this time never think of coming here again “The director replied. “Sure sir. “Adolf sighed.
He relief and stress as he didn’t have much time left to work over his portfolio. But as he was determined, nothing seemed impossible to him. He started working on it . Sketch after sketch and watercolors were drawn. And finally he completed with it.
As he was walking down the corridor he was bit nervous . He took a deep breath and entered in. ‘Good Morning’ he said to old bald man sitting in front of him . The man grinned and then raised his brow as if to say that, ‘why you came, knowing that you are going to be rejected.’. Adolf handed the portfolio and started thinking about what was going to happen next . “What do you think is this? This is what you have made . Do you think with this you are going to get admitted into The Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna . If so let me clear your misconception ,It’s a No. Please leave . “ He ordered . Completely shattered Adolf started moving with slow steps and a heavy heart . “Stop” someone called from behind . “Wait I think you can do good in architecture , I can give you admission if you like studying architecture  . “The director said  “Bring your high school degrees tomorrow and we will take you in . “ . “But I don’t have my high school degrees . “ Adolf answered . “What !!!! you don’t have your high school degrees , sorry , but  we cannot help you then . “
Days after , completely broken and disappointed He was walking . He was depressed and didn’t knew what to do next . No ray of hope was visible , and he was running out of money . He was lost in his thoughts , but then came back to reality by somebody keeping a hand on his shoulder .  There was a young lady standing in front of him , Her beauty beyond descriptions . Pale skin which was glowing in the moon light , Golden hair flowing down her shoulders , Her honey sweet lips dripping the nectar , Her soothing voice that could probably pacify anyone’s heart’s thirst . But the thing which caught his attention the most were her blue eyes , they had a different spark in them and that was charming  . She was continuously speaking from the last five minutes and he could not recall a single word of what she has spoken . “Hey , are you listening . “She spoke . “ umm…. Yes , sorry No .” he uttered . “This is Emma , you ? “ “Adolf ,Adolf Hitler . “ “What’s wrong Adolf . Why are you so sad , Everything’s alright . “ “Yes “ he mumbled . “I have to go , By the way nice meeting you .” “Nice meeting you too . “ And with this she disappeared .
He was arranging the books in the store , which he has started working in to earn a living for himself  when he heard something falling . He rushed to the place and saw a lady with her back towards him picking the fallen books which she just ran into . “ Madam do you need any help “ he asked . She turned and it was Emma . “Emma “ He said not believing his eyes . “Oh , Adolf , What are you doing here ? “ “I work here , I never thought I would ever see you again after that night . “ he said .“Will you like to go for a coffee , if you don’t mind “ hesitatingly he asked . “Sure “ She replied with a beautiful smile on her face .
“ Don’t mind me asking but don’t look German .” He asked sipping hot coffee . “ My Father is from England and mother is Austrian , after their marriage they settled down in Vienna and I was born here . But last year they shifted back to London  . And know I m staying with my grandparents completing my studies . What are you doing here in Vienna ?” she said .” I came here to study fine arts but got rejected twice and ended up doing a job in a book shop . “ he replied .
Days went on and Adolf started loving Emma desperately . He started feeling his heart’s urge to propose Emma .One day he gathered the courage to tell her about his feelings . He went to the St. Stephen’s Cathedral where Emma used to go daily . He stood outside the main gate and started waiting for her and thinking about how he would propose her . He found it strange when two hours after the church bell he didn’t saw Emma coming out . He went inside and started searching her and found nothing but disappointment . He headed towards her house to find out what was wrong . When he reached her house he saw it locked . He went to her neighbor to inquire about her . The reply left him trembling . He could not believe his ears . She was no more . Two days ago she died of some chronic disease which the neighbor didn’t knew about . His heart was completely shattered into pieces and he knew those pieces could never be glued together . The next day he was found dead in his apartment . Some said he died because he was disappointed of his rejection from the Fine Arts Academy , Some said he committed suicide But no one knows the reason why he died .And with this The professor completed the story. “But sir what about the painting . “ Emily and some other students asked . “ After Adolf’s death the owner found a painting along with a letter describing his love for Emma .” The owner sold the painting to a businessmen who hung it into his book shop . When It came into the notice of the Royal family they bought it from the businessmen and brought it to the Royal palace . From then on it is considered one of the best paintings of the century and the painter is said to be one of the finest painters with incredible artistic skills . He has been given the title of the painter of the Century” The professor explained to his students.
“Move on students we have to see many other pieces of arts , We don’t have much time .” The professor commanded his students and they all went to the next painting to hear a story about another Adolf Hitler .

The author's comments:

This is the first piece of fiction i have written .I was thinking if Hitler would have got admitted into Academy of Fine Arts Vienna what would have happen . And this is the outcome of my thoughts . Hope you have enjoyed it .

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