The Fall of Rasputin | Teen Ink

The Fall of Rasputin

April 22, 2016
By ZacharyKochvar BRONZE, Highland, Indiana
ZacharyKochvar BRONZE, Highland, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

         Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin, or just Rasputin, was a born a peasant in Siberia, Russian Empire. He was said to have mystical healing powers as he was a man of the church and everybody that have seen him to be healed, of usually very serious injuries or diseases, have been healed. During this time in Russia the religious renaissance swept the country and everybody were trying new religions. Also people were very accepting to others. As Rasputin started to get a famous reputation for healing people, King Papus and Queen Alexandria ordered him to come to their palace. Their little boy, Alex, had genetically formed Hemophilia. The disorder is passed down from his mother. This disorder means that he has problems with blood clotting. The tiniest cuts or bruises can be lethal. King Papus did not believe Rasputin could cure his boy but the queen, seeing it as their only option, puts all faith in Rasputin. Alex had bruised a portion of his body by his ribs and many doctors claimed how didn’t have long to live before he died of internal bleeding. When Rasputin got to the palace he told the royal family he could heal the boy but he will need to be with the boy all night and alone. In the morning when the queen pen the door she saw Alex on his feet as joyful as ever. The Imperial Family had kept Alexei's hemophilia a secret, so no one knew why Alexandra was so protective of Rasputin. Many people believed Rasputin, a well-known womanizer, was having an affair with the Empress. Rasputin had saved the queens child so he was very grateful and felt lie she owed everything to him. They had become very close to each other and the public did not like it. Members of the extended royal family began to believe Rasputin was a de facto member of government, because Nicholas II often followed the advice of his wife, and because Rasputin was advising Alexandra on affairs of state, the royal family took matters into their own hands. They wanted to get rid of Rasputin. In the early hours of December 30, 1916, a group of nobles, who were related to the imperial family, lured Rasputin to The Yusupovsky Palace, where they attempted to poison him, they invited him over to meet one of the noble man’s wife. Seemingly unaffected by the large doses of poison placed in his wine and food, he was finally shot at close range and collapsed. After he was shot close range in the chest he was still alive. The noble man turned him over and shot straight into his skull. A minute later he rose, beat one of his assailants, and attempted to escape from the palace grounds, where he was shot again. All of the noble men start beating Rasputin but nothing seems to be working and it would soon turn morning soon so they were done playing. Rasputin, still alive, was tied in a rope and then they also wrapped him and carpet. They drag him from the palace to the bank of the Neva River. The river was cold from the harsh Russian winter.  In the morning cops arrive at the house questioning about the gun shots heard. The noble man denies hearing and knowing about any gun shots but as the police explore the palace they find blood in the basement and down by the river bank. The noble man cowardly admits t everything. The police search the river but find no body. Day two of looking for the body they find the carpet and the ropes on the bank of the river by downtown. The noble man explained they had wrapped him up before they threw him in. Over by the rope and carpet they find foot prints that go into town they follow them. They follow they foot prints to a nearby alley were the footprints in the snow suddenly end. To this day Rasputin was never seen again at least by the name Rasputin. Many believe after a long time he fully healed and simply lived on a fake name and lived low for the rest of his life. Rasputin wouldn’t go out with a bang. He blamed what happened to him on the royal family. Rasputin sent the King a letter saying he was going to kill his family in 7 days. Though the king did not believe him he just brushed it aside but on the seventh night the Bolshevik secret police broke into the palace. The secret police are hit men that Rasputin had hired. They immediately killed the retainer, ranked military members from the Russian civil war, and forced the rest of the family to the basement. The imperial family that was forced down included the King, Queen, Alex, and his four sisters. They were lined against the wall and brutally shot. When police found them the next morning the wall above their dead corpse had Rasputin written on the wall in blood. One each one of their bodies they had a copy of the letter Rasputin had sent to the king. The killing is simply known as The massacre of the Royal Family. This is the very last time that Rasputin is ever heard of again. Some believed he fled the country and some that he was never able to completely heal from his injuries and died. It’s for certain Rasputin is a interesting part and Russian history.

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