Chapter 2 The plauge | Teen Ink

Chapter 2 The plauge

May 9, 2016
By Anonymous

The black plague spreads and Brian and I quickly rush to a river and build many fires. As the deep dark screams of innocent family’s being torn apart frightens me so. Many people died and Brian is one of them the helpless man who was strong and brave died. The good ones always go. I began to cry and realize that I am not safe here in the woods with no one to protect me. I get to thinking if it weren’t for that big brown door bad nothing would have happened.

        I look down at my hands and see black I think I AM DYING OF THE PLAGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   But as I go to the river to wash up after the shocking news the black washes away and I realize that it was the charcoal on my hands. As the plague passes I know I must go to the castle again to live the broken life. My journey took long with many obstacles but as I am only a few hours away from the devilish castle so close but yet so far. I am walking along with no problems but then a wolf comes with its blood red eyes and I think this is my end I have gone far but it’s all over.

        As the wolf bites and attaches me I take the heat. I pass out and I see a hunter coming to save me and to kill the wolf. I wake up in the castle and I have no idea what’s happening I thought that I was dead but I had thought wrong. The doctor had mentioned that my leg had gotten bite of and that everyone worshiped me.

           But yet there is a gloomy sadness over the land. And I become depressed as I walk about the castle. Everyone looks at me as If I was normal but I know I am not. On the inside I felt like I wanted cry because I was not a normal girl anymore. Everyone else in the castle was normal except me and I grew angry with all the people who were normal. Then I grew angry with myself for putting hatred with the people.

       After a few months with no foot and having to hide my troubles the doctor soon tells me that doctors and surgeons and witches have created a prosthetic leg for me and a little tiny bit of my sadness washes away. But yet there is still sadness my heart and my depression grows stronger by each biter day. One day I ask the doctor if they found the queens murder and he says that they never had any suspects or anyone but the old man in the castle for her servant had disappeared and we all assumed that they did it.

The author's comments:

My dad is a published author and he pushes me to write and try to publish my best work

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 29 2016 at 1:00 am
Brooklynn.S.B BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Love the story very inspiring to write about medieval times