The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas | Teen Ink

The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas

March 10, 2017
By alannamarie2 BRONZE, Vauxhall , Alberta
alannamarie2 BRONZE, Vauxhall , Alberta
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When Bruno and his family decide to move away from Berlin and go to Auschwitz, Bruno discovers a farm near his house. He is so miserable because he wants to go back home to Berlin where all his best friends are. He soon forgets his friends after he meets the little boy in the striped pajamas sitting alongside the fence next to the mysterious farm.

The boy in the striped pajamas is about a little boy named Bruno and his family. Bruno’s parents tell him that they are moving away from Berlin and going to Auschwitz for his dad's job, Bruno hates the idea of leaving his friends and his home. When they arrive at their new house Bruno is not very excited but he runs and picks a room in the house. When he picks his room he notices something out the window, he said it looked like a farm. Bruno was quite jealous because he noticed all the people at the farm were all matching wearing the same striped pajamas, and he wanted to run around in pajamas too. After Bruno's family settled in Bruno decided it was time to go and explore. He wanted to see the farm from up close since his parents wouldn’t tell him about it. He was just walking around in the wilderness until he began to see the farm that he could see from outside his window. He see saw a black speck in the distance as he started to come closer he realized it was not just a speck it was a boy. Bruno went up to the boy and noticed he was wearing striped pajamas the same ones he saw people wearing from his window. Bruno started to talk to this boy and realized his name was Shmuel and they were born on the exact same day. Bruno also noticed he was dirty and looked very skinny, Bruno didn’t really know what to think. Bruno spent months talking to this boy wondering where he lived and what he did, soon his mother wanted to go home so she decided to pack Bruno and his sisters stuff back to Berlin. It was finally the day to go home and Bruno's mother was looking everywhere for him and soon realized he was gone.

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