The Paradox | Teen Ink

The Paradox

December 20, 2018
By ematheemoemu BRONZE, New Castle, Colorado
ematheemoemu BRONZE, New Castle, Colorado
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Our friendship made no sense. He was sweet and thoughtful, I was sarcastic and selfish. He was made of pastel yellow and soothing purple. I was blood red and navy blue. He was made of numbers, of science, of logic. I was an entwinement of words, of stories,of creativity. He was the ocean, typically calm and beautiful, except when he lashed out, that was when he was most terrifying. I was fire, destructive but contained and entrancing under the right circumstances. We were yin and yang, opposite but alike, always revolving around each other. We were a paradox, my best friend and I.

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