Bad beginning but worse ending | Teen Ink

Bad beginning but worse ending

September 13, 2019
By Btullos16 BRONZE, Ruston, Louisiana
Btullos16 BRONZE, Ruston, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s August 16th and I groggily open my eyes, feeling the crust of sleep fall away as I blink. I groan inwardly, slowly remembering what day it is. The worst day of my life. A new beginning to what I never asked for; my first day at the towns’ 5A, Sarastone Public School.

My feet hit the floor as I noisily headed for the shower. “Why would my parents do this to me to what’s suppose to be the best two years of high school?” I muttered angrily, reaching for a towel. An early morning shower can sometimes make my terrible day ahead a tad bit better.
Going down our squeaky stairs I can already taste the bacon from the sounds of greasy popping and sizzling. Here I am dressed in red, and my two sisters in blue and white. My old school, Sarastone Christian Academy, otherly known as SCA, wears blue and white. Here I am thinking “What am I doing wearing this.. and Why? This isn’t my school colors.” as I head out of the door to my car.
In the car, I listen to music and it’s like, today, the music is just speaking straight to me. Hearing lyrics like “every unwanted beginning may surprise you with a great ending.” Which sorta opened my eyes to approach this situation in a positive manner, as I pull up to the school. My first hour is an all-girl class for some reason, a classroom nearly throwing up pink. I can already stereotype some of the girls by their mannerism. They all seem to really love themselves, and they show it in their walk. Not to mention, the girls who have spoke to me though, have all been sweet so far, but it’s just the first day.
As I sit quietly, listening to the intercom, there was one specific announcement that surely stuck out to me. Mrs. Karla Stenson said loud and proud “Cheer tryouts August 24th in the Varsity gym.” and just then I knew, I am trying out for cheer! My mind wonders spontaneously about how wonderful this bad beginning could end awesomely, by making cheerleader.
Here we are eight days later, and it’s the day of cheer tryouts. My heart is pumping out of my chest with excitement along with some of my girlfriends. Football really is how Sarastone gets a lot of its recognition, but the girls’ competition cheer team isn’t anything to not talk about. Challenge, a definite word to keep in my mind, when taking on these tryouts. The girls here only play one sport, so the one sport one does play, she’s good at it.
Finally, I am up next and I am nothing short of nervous. I can hardly stand this anxious feeling making me jump around in nervousness. My heart is beating out of my chest and my hands begin to sweat as they call my number. As the three of us walk as a group into the big, red gym with blue cheer mats, we all fist bump. Sarah and Josie look at me and cross their fingers as I step up first to the long table of seven judges. The Judges call out “Number 22, show us your best jump.” and I jump with all my might. Sarah and Kate clap for me as I step backwards waiting for Kate’s number to get called. Kate also does an outstanding job, and now it is all up to Josie. Nailed it, Josie surprises me as she nearly jumps as high as my head.
Tryouts were fantastic and we all feel confident. The excitement built up can hardly stay inside of me. Results come out next Monday during first hour, and there would be nothing better than hearing my name come across the intercom.
This weekend was fantastic! Nothing could make this experience better than making Varisty. It’s Sunday night and my sister already wants to buy Sarastone High spirit clothes to support me on the sidelines. The big, gleaming lights in the dark, falling sunset with a few hundred screaming fans is all I can imagine right now. Never would I be thinking this would be the reality I’m living in, but here I am. This is the perfect thought to fall into a deep sleep before the big day tomorrow.
This morning, my chest has been so heavy with the feeling of fright and excitement at the same time. As Kate and I walk into school this morning we suddenly get a weird vibe and look straight st each other with the same, puzzling look. We can also tell by all of the gloomy faces that something is odd. Something has to be wrong. As I sit really concerned, Mrs Karla, the school counselor, comes onto the intercom and says “There has been a devastating tragedy.” my heart then sinks hearing her say “Cheer coach, Jules Pitt has been in a fatal crash and didn’t make it through early this morning” and never in a million years did I think that’s what was going to be said. Everything inside was telling me to hold back the tears, and that everything was going to be fine. No, cheer was out of the question now. Our cheer coach has passed away unexpectedly. Our football team won’t have crowd leaders. I sit trembling, thinking to myself “What are we going to do, and how will they do this?”as I lay my head down slow and gentle on my desk.
The counselor later in the day announced that there will be a postpone on the tryouts’ results. Kate and I look at each other and practically read each other’s minds “Great, just great. A devastating funeral and more days of the worst anxiety and endless nervousness.” And then I thought “a bad beginning never fails to have a terrible ending, too.” As I begin to break down in tears.

The author's comments:

I go to Cedar Creek School, and I am a junior. I cheer and so does my character in the story.


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