Mechanical Nature | Teen Ink

Mechanical Nature

October 10, 2019
By AHSWriter303 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSWriter303 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I wake up at 7:30 on a Friday morning, the gleaming sun manages to shine through my paper-thin curtains. I sprawl out, my body still waking up with me. After I let out a sluggish yawn, I head towards the kitchen. The timers ding and the pancakes hiss. The day is young, and the sky looks down upon New York with a joyful blue. Clouds block the sun’s rays from reaching me, like a grain of sand in the ocean.

After I finish my pancakes, I am now awake and ready enough for a shower. The water feels like ice covering my body, as I don’t have time to wait for that steamy temperature I love. The cold water feels like glass beads, beads that roll down my skin, now covered in goosebumps. I am quick to do my routine, and get out of the shower. The warmth of the towel feels comforting, like a hug from my mother.

I must now go back to my room and get ready for my new job. I get dressed in a casual but also formal outfit. Now, being ready for the day, I decided to take the five minutes I have left to observe the city.

Out on my balcony, I look out over the rough landscape of the city. The buildings look like trees, sheltering the ground and its animals from the harsh sunlight. The city’s wildlife, public buses, taxis, and all the different breeds of cars. All communicate to each other with beeps and horns and sirens. The subway is safe from the piercing sun, as well as the cars that go through the mystic underground portals. New York is just like a vigorous forest, full of life and energy.

The author's comments:

Written for Rachel Carson Sense of Wonder/Sense of Wild competition.

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