Christmas Morning | Teen Ink

Christmas Morning

October 15, 2020
By Graceh2006 BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
Graceh2006 BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The pure, white, snow gently falls outside of little Elliot and Haven’s bedroom windows. The magical feeling of Christmas morning flows though the Thomas household. The fresh smell of pine needles fills the quiet rooms. As the sun peaks over the horizon, Haven’s crystal blue eyes flutter open. 
As soon as the sun breaks through Haven’s eyes, she is awake for the day. Still in her baby reindeer pajamas, she runs into her brother Elliot’s room to wake him up. When she gets there, to her surprise, Elliot is nowhere to be found. 
The first thing Haven does is scream at the top of her lungs, “MOM!” 
Her mother is up in a flash. She runs to Haven, thinking that there is something astronomically wrong. When she gets there, she sees Haven frantic. Worried, her mother says, “What’s wrong, honey?” 
Haven replies, “Elliot is not here!” 
“Well, maybe he’s downstairs already,” suggests her mom. “Did you look?” 
“No, I guess not,” she says, with a sigh of relief. 
Her mom motions her towards the stairs. Taking it slow, they head down the creeky stairs. When they get to the living room, it is packed full of presents. Presents wrapped in green, red, gold, and silver, but no Elliot. Haven could tell that her mother was getting a little worried at Elliot’s absence. She screams for her husband, and he sprints down the stairs, almost slipping. 
When he gets to them, he instantaneously says, “What’s wrong?” 
Haven’s mother says, “Elliot is not here; we can’t find him!” 
“Well, where did you look?” he asks. 
Haven replies, “In his room and down here.” 
“Where down here?” he questions. 
Haven’s mother says, “In the living room.” 
Her father thought for a second, then spoke his mind, “Two rooms is not a lot of space.” Just then, Elliot bursts in through the front door. 
Alongside him are his grandma and grandpa, and all three are dressed in matching Santa outfits carting big, red bags jammed full of presents. Everyone stops and looks at Elliot as he exclaims, “Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas!”  
Relieved at the sight of Elliot, everyone burst into laughter, and the traditional events of Christmas morning began. 

The author's comments:

Christmas is coming, and I can't wait! So, I thought i would write about my favorite time of year.

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