Stuck | Teen Ink


April 28, 2021
By Anonymous


Stuck, that's what happened to me and my brothers on one particular day. About one year ago on April 27, 2009, I and my brothers went on a hike in the rocky mountains to see if we could find new species of plants and explore caves. As we were searching for plants and caves a mountain lion came from behind us and attacked one of my brothers.  After we cleaned up the wounds our brother got from our encounter with the mountain lion we came across this huge cave with crystals of many colors and sizes.  Then all of a sudden the ground started to rumble and rocks started to fall from above us then that's when we heard a huge bang!  Then as we stood there in shock we saw that our only way out was blocked by a huge boulder.  everyone freaked out.  But then we started to calm down then we tried looking for a way to get out of the cave at first we had no luck at all, then that's when my brother found a hole in the wall we knew this was a way out because there was light shining through it.  So we looked in our backpack for a tool to help us dig. As we were looking through the backpack we saw 6 granola bars, 6 water bottles, and a shovel.  My brother took the shovel and started breaking off pieces of the wall around the hole. After about 7 hours the hole was big enough for a dog to fit in it.  Then as the days went by the whole became big enough for all three of us to escape.  

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