Drowning | Teen Ink


May 24, 2021
By Anonymous

A flattened bird sat on the bank of the lake. Lily rushed towards it. “Look! Look!” She yelled to Annie and Lexi. “Look! It’s a dead bird!” She yelled and yelled and yelled. “We must have a funeral for it,” Lexi said, using a leaf to pick up the bird by its mangled wing. “Ew,” Annie said as she looked at it with disgust. 

The girls picked flowers. Dandelions, Daisies, Lilies, and some purple ones. Of course, there was some grass too. All laid out nicely. “I wonder what happened to it?” Lexi asked. Annie decorated a little leaf float for the bird. “What’s its name?” Lily asked.

The girls put the mangled bird onto the leaf float. The gross, flattened bird was surrounded by flowers. Delicately, the girls walked the bird down the side of the lake. Well, it was more like a pond really. But they walked it down the side and said a few words. Lexi then set the float down into the water. It sank.

The author's comments:

This piece was based off of a memory I have from when I was much younger. It was a fun story to write and I hope you enjoy the nostalgia it carries with it!

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