From my childhood | Teen Ink

From my childhood

June 29, 2021
By SardarMamlin BRONZE, New York, New York
SardarMamlin BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Unexpectedly my teacher, Miss Park said: 

James. What about you? Maybe you will tell us about something special to you that you brought to show us from home? - as usual - calm and with a kind smile turned to me my English teacher. 
To be honest with you, I never answered any of the questions. The task for us was to bring a special thing to you from home and no, I didn’t forget about it. I brought my tiny toy that my dad gave me three years ago when I was only 2 years old. I didn’t see him from that moment, he went to war. All of a sudden I remembered about the class, about the teacher and my classmates. They all stared at me, waiting for some answer and I was disappointed sitting on my chair. I hesitated and went out to the board. Quietly and not surely in a voice I began my speech: 

Ammm.. I have a toy.. - I said featuring an old teddy bear and I noticed some of my classmates whispering and laughing, and Miss Park seemed to notice them, looked only at me, and kindly smiled as well. 
I had to continue very quickly because my teacher was looking at me and waiting for the prolongation: 

My dad gave it to me when I was 2 years old and he had to go to war - I just finished this sentence and the class started to laugh.
I really didn’t understand what's so funny I said. Luckily, I didn't have to listen to that laugh for long because Miss Park turned the other way from me to this laughing faces and said something like, "Silence in class!”, I truly didn’t remember that moment, I was very much focused on thinking that I was looking like a loser again. Not long had to wait as Miss Park again turned in my direction and began to look interested, expecting something else from me. 

And because of that this thing is very special to me - even slurred and quietly I finished holding a teddy bear in my sweaty hands behind my back. 
Class started laughing again, but at this time Miss Park didn’t say anything except thanking me for this “awesome” job. I went back to my seat with a face on which tears were coming, but I did not cry. I got to my seat and quietly sat down.  

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