What if he stayed? | Teen Ink

What if he stayed?

July 1, 2021
By Anonymous

It was a beautiful summer evening.The sun was riding down from the cloudless sky to the tumultuous ocean as he did everyday.But today,he was reluctant to leave.He wasn't quite ready to succumb into the darkness yet;he was overwhelmed with this sudden urge that he'd been suppressing for a while now;he wanted to be FREE,he wanted to keep his light burning and his heart beating forever.Yes,he too had a heart,a heart that beats involuntarily like ours,a heart longing for love,acceptance and all elated feelings every heart craves for,a heart that can be shattered into a thousand little pieces and yet keep us alive.

He was conscious,the sun,he was aware and felt things like all of us do;he could feel every "thud" inside of him and could feel his soul dancing to the rhythm of his beating heart.He could feel every inch of his body heating up, burning and aching every minute of his life.Each night would ease the pain for him,but he wouldn't be happy;he longed for mornings when he could climb up the horizon and smile down at the world in all its glory,spreading his light as he went.For him,pain was pleasure.Nights,though painless,were depressing and mornings though painful,were euphoric.

He fell in love with the blue tinged sky,high rising mountains,sweet babbling brooks,chirping birds,blooming tulips and dancing dandelions that he soon forgot his body was aching as his heart said something else;all it felt was inexorable joy.Yet,he left every evening like a child relenting to an elder.It was a huge feat for him,but he loved this world too much to ever see it destroyed.And he knew in his heart another heart who had fallen in love with the pitch black sky,the twinkling stars and the chirping crickets;for her and for us,he'd LEAVE.

The author's comments:

We take for granted so many things in our life.What if the sun decides to become selfish stayed the night?(No longer night,is it?).Like the sun selflessly making way for the moon,sometimes,it is ok not to follow the light and instead embrace the darkness because it is all about finding your light within the darkness.Makes sense?

That's just one way to look at it,I think one can draw a gazillion conclusions by shifting one's perspective.

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