Breakout Room | Teen Ink

Breakout Room

August 15, 2021
By hetianxu BRONZE, Pleasanton, California
hetianxu BRONZE, Pleasanton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Erika’s screen flashed with a grey message: “Your teacher is inviting you to a breakout room.” 

Below was a bright blue button, labelled “Join.” She clicked it. 

“Joining Room 5,” she read, fingers fidgeting in her lap. Her screen flickered once more, and she entered the room. 

There were three other kids inside. Lennon Wilder and Will Keener’s cameras were both off. Sophie Masher was staring down at her phone. Why else would she be grinning at her crotch?

“Er, hi guys,” Erika cleared her throat, “I, um, I’m Erika.” 

Sophie Masher glanced up briefly, and did the biggest eye roll. She looked down at her phone and mouthed “OMG.” 

“So… Do you guys wanna start number one?” Erika fingered the pages of her algebra textbook. 

No response from either of the boys. But Sophie Masher clicked unmute. 

“Look Erica, no one here even wants to talk so don’t even bother. Let’s just ignore each other for the rest of the period and do everything on our own, ‘kay?” 

With that, Erika found herself facing three black squares. She flushed, and switched her own camera shut. 

Grabbing a sheet of binder paper, she began the assignment. She had made good progress by the time the second grey message appeared on her screen, accompanied by a timed countdown: “Your breakout room will close in one minute.” 

Lennon and Will instantly vanished from the room. 

Erika’s cursor hovered over the button that said “leave breakout room.” But Sophie Masher clicked unmute. 

“Um, Erika? How did you do question one?”

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired a friend's similar experience over Zoom, where she felt brushed off and rudely treated by the other students in her breakout room group. I hope that this story can give readers more empathy towards others in their interactions, whether in-person or online. 

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