Chandelier Sea | Teen Ink

Chandelier Sea

August 29, 2021
By morganbird BRONZE, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
morganbird BRONZE, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Had they known at these moments to be quietly joyful? Most likely not. People mostly did not know enough when they were living life that they were living it.

-Elizabeth Strout, Olive Kitteridge

The heels of my shoes clicked rhythmically in a hot fury as I made my way over to the table. Heat eclipsed the darkened, sensually lit room. I reached the table, my feet slamming to stop. Cynthia did not seem to acknowledge my presence until I leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“I heard,” I said, attempting to remain in as calm a state as possible.

“Heard what?” She answered, in an obnoxious, doe-like tone.

I clenched my teeth hard. So hard, I could feel my forehead pulse. 

“As if the trouble you had caused already wasn’t enough,” I said.

She laughed a little, in an attempt to ease the others around her. Bringing her hand to her mouth to disguise a smile creeping on her face, she questioned, “Trouble?”

I leaned closer to Cynthia, as to not let a single word slip into the crowd and interrupt the chatter occurring around us. 

“I can’t believe you.”

Cynthia batted her eyes, letting her long, jet black, false eyelashes flit up and down. The thin, gold chain looped around her neck, a simple, small, metallic K just touching the top of her dress. Her deep red, cinched-waist dress matched her lips. The chain, holding a small metallic C around my neck, bounced off my chest. I gripped the side of her chair, clenching so hard my knuckles tinted purple. Tears brimmed in my eyes.

My teeth unclenched, my knuckles loosened, and I exhaled. Along with the breath came a simple, steady “Why?”

The room descended into a deep silence. Yet, Cynthia continued her intent gaze, reaching into my very soul. Hazel crystal orbs: an escape from a world of hurt. A thousand eyes situated themselves on my back. Cynthia, and almost I, did not notice.

But she flitted her eyes to him for a second, and the dam overflowed, a river of tears pouring from my eyes. Clutching my billowing skirt I ran from the room past tables of people, quieted by my words. Each man had a perfect suit, bow tie, and jacket, and each woman with the perfect man and cinch-waist, billowing dress. 

Next to where my purse sat, I heard his stern voice call out to me: “Kathleen!”

Not even acknowledging the call, I reached the giant doors at the center of the hall and pushed through them. A cool wind hit my face and the tears slowed. 

Sitting down on the edge of the sidewalk, my feet grounded on the road, I wiped my face. It felt puffy and swollen like I had been emotionally punched. Through my sniffling, I heard a quick whoosh of chatter and the clicking of heels. A gust of perfume reached me before she sat beside me.

“Sorry,” she said.

I looked over into Cynthia’s eyes, only for a moment. I turned my head away, not wanting to get sucked into another turbulent storm. But, she slipped her hand into mine and my gaze was held again. 

“It’s ok,” I said.

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